
Parting the Assay Buttons

The assay buttons are flattened by a hammer weighing about 7 lbs., with a convex face, on an anvil kept quite bright and clean and used for this purpose only. A heavy blow is first delivered on the centre of the button, the diameter of which is thereby increased to nearly that of a threepenny piece. Two lighter blows are

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Weighing Gold for Assay Checks & Proofs

Table of ContentsAuxiliary Balance for Weighing CornetsFire Assay Verification Checks & ProofsWhat to do When Silver is Retained in the Cornet The balance must readily indicate differences of 0.005 per 1,000, or 1/40 milligramme, with a weight of ½ gramme in each pan. The “checks” or “proofs” (vide infra) are weighed first, and their mean excess or deficiency in weight applied

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How to Make Gold

The purest gold obtainable is required for use as standards or check pieces in the assay of gold bullion. The following method of preparing it is now in use at the Mint. Gold assay cornets from the purest gold which can be obtained are dissolved in nitrohydrochloric acid, and the excess of nitric acid expelled by evaporation with additional hydrochloric

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Assaying Tungsten Determination

Table of ContentsTungsten Assaying Method 1Notes on Tungsten Assay Method 1Tungsten Assaying Method 2Tungsten Assay Method 3 In dealing with wolfram ores and concentrates, we identified 3 three determination methods for the estimation and Assaying Tungsten that are discussed below are well known, but these results of their trials and comparison under technical conditions may be interesting. Tungsten Assaying Method 1

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Fire Assaying Gold Alloys

Table of ContentsScorification of AlloysFire Assaying of AmalgamsFire Assaying Platinum Group ElementsPlatinum Gold Alloys Fire AssayingFire Assaying Palladium-Gold AlloysFire Assaying Rhodium and Iridium-Gold AlloysAssaying Tellurium CompoundsWet Assay Methods of Gold Alloys & Compounds It is often impracticable to apply the ordinary parting assay to the examination of low-standard alloys of gold with other metals. These are then tested by various other methods, of

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Copper Lead Zinc Mining

Design and Construction The mill design and construction was accomplished through the combined efforts of Equipment Company in Colorado, Equipment Company (Peru) S. A., and Sindicato Minero Pacococha S. A. The design objective was a highly efficient mill at a minimum expense, and with plans to allow for a systematic expansion program to increase the mill capacity from approximately 125

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Complex Base Metal Process Plant Circuit

The flowsheet in this study was designed to treat 500 tons per day of a complex base metal ore containing gold and silver values. The presence of free gold offers opportunity to recover these values in the grinding circuit so that the gold could be amalgamated, and marketed directly to the U.S. mint. The ore as mined is very wet

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How is Copper Ore Processed

In 1948 Trefoil was privileged to publish an Engineering Notebook Bulletin on Development and Pilot Plant Operations at the Nchanga Consolidated Copper Mines Ltd., Chingola, Northern Rhodesia. This article was authored by Mr. H. L. Talbot, then Consulting Metallurgist to the Anglo-American Group of Companies in Northern Rhodesia. It is now our privilege to bring our readers up-to-date with a

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Poly-metallic Process Plant Design

Table of ContentsGeologyTest WorkMill ConstructionMiningCrushingGrindingFlotationReagentsThickening and FilteringSamplingTailing DisposalLaboratory The San Juan Mountains of Western Colorado are often referred to as the “Switzerland of America.” Among the many mining properties in this area is the well-known Camp Bird mine. The history of this property dates to 1877 although its really active beginning was on May 12, 1902 when Camp Bird Limited,

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Bone Ash Cupels

In order to get a preliminary view of the question of gold absorption in cupelling gold bullion, certain samples of very pure gold, which were being sent out to various laboratories in the Mint service for comparative assaying, mere assayed in sets of sis with three proofs. The nine ctipe!i were arranged in the muffle in a square, the three

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Table of ContentsCupellation ProcedureCupellation TemperatureHow to Prepare of the Assay Piece for Cupellation A coke Cupellation furnace still in use at the Mint is shown in front and side elevation in Figs. 95 and 96. It consists of an outer casing of wrought-iron plates about 1/8 inch thick, united by angle iron. This casing is connected with a chimney 60 feet high

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Gold Fire Assay Process

Table of ContentsMethod of Gold Fire Assay by Fusion or CrucibleGold Fire Assay ProcessFire Assaying Gold AlloysScorification of AlloysFire Assaying of AmalgamsFire Assaying Platinum Group ElementsPlatinum Gold Alloys Fire AssayingFire Assaying Palladium-Gold AlloysFire Assaying Rhodium and Iridium-Gold AlloysAssaying Tellurium CompoundsWet Assay Methods of Gold Alloys & Compounds The Gold Fire Assay Process of ores is almost universally conducted in the dry procedure by

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Roasting Arsenic & Antimony Ores

The difficulty of roasting arsenical and antimonial ores may be avoided by taking ore, 1 A.T. ; red lead, 1,000 grains; sodium carbonate, 500 grains; potassium ferrocyanide, 550 grains, with a cover of salt or borax. The button is scorified, together with the matte formed, before cupellation. E. A. Smith found this method unsatisfactory and recommends the oxidation of sulphide

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Fire Assay Flux & Litharge Composition

Table of ContentsAaron’s Fire Assay Flux FormulaBrown & Griffiths Fire Assay Flux RecipePercy’s Fire Assay Flux FormulaMitchell’s Fire Assay Flux Recipe: The following remarks on the use of the fire assay fluxes and litharge may serve as an aid in arriving to a correct composition of charges for most cases: Litharge or red lead is added in the proportion of one

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How to Calculate Gold in Fire Assay

Table of ContentsExamination of Assay MaterialsBest Position to Empty BalanceValue of the DivisionWeight of Parted Gold Calculating gold from your fire assay ends with reading the equipment called the gold scale or “the balance”. This equipment should turn with 1/200 milligramme at most, and there is an advantage in using still more sensitive balances. A unit of 0.005 mg. corresponds

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Fire Assay Fusion

The object of the Fire Assay Fusion is to concentrate the precious metals in a button of lead, while the whole of the remainder of the ore forms a fusible slag with suitable fluxes, in which lead sinks. The fusion is made in clay (or rarely iron) crucibles in a wind furnace, similar to, but usually smaller than, that used for

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The History of Grinding

Start following 911Metallurgy’s Linkedin page to get a free (my used) hardcopy of: The History of Grinding by Lynch & Rowland I will select a winner from All the Company’s Followers on November 26th 2016 and announce the winner on 911Metallurgy’s Linkedin page CLICK BELOW ON FOLLOW Contact via Linkedin will be attempted with the winner and if not reply is obtained

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Gold Inquartation Process

The bead of silver and gold obtained by cupellation is squeezed between pliers, or flattened by a hammer on a clean anvil, to loosen the bone ash adhering to its lower surface, and is then cleaned by a brush of wires or stiff bristles. It is then weighed, the silver removed by solution in nitric acid, and the weight of

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Gold Assay Methods

Table of ContentsAmalgamation AssayGold Assay by ChlorinationAssay Metallic Copper and Copper Matte for Gold & SilverFurnace MethodMixed Wet and Dry MethodGold Assay of Purple of CassiusAssay of Graphite Crucibles MethodCalculating Gold in Dilute SolutionGold Assay by Electrolysis Method Listed and explained in details below are 8 Gold Assay Methods which are alternatives to the classic fire assay method. Amalgamation Assay This is useful in

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How to Detect Gold in Minerals

How to detect gold in loose alluvial ground has been already described. A similar method may be employed in the case of auriferous quartz after grinding it. If the concentrates obtained in either case contain sulphides, these are collected, roasted or treated by nitric acid and re-ground. The light particles of oxide of iron can now be separated from any gold

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Scorification Assay

As stated above, the Scorification Assay process is especially applicable to (a) complex ores, (b) very rich ores, (c) ores which are mainly valuable for their silver contents. The losses are small and the operations are easy to conduct, and need not be varied much for different classes of ore. For these reasons the process is preferred to the crucible

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Geological Theory of Plate Tectonics & Mineralization Process

The geological theory of Plate Tectonics and the Associated Mineralization Process relating to the formation of ore deposits is a hugely complicated process with the myriad contributing variables such as rock and fluid compositions, temperature, pressure pH, eH, structure and time, all interacting to provide a host of different outcomes. In truth ore deposits and exploration geology is much an

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Sample Preparation for Fire Assay

The value of an assay depends largely on the care with which a sample of the ore is selected. Sampling should be, as far as possible, automatic, and independent of the will or judgment of the assayer. The sampling of ore in place in mines is described in books on mining. The taking of running samples is referred to in

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Cupellation Furnace

Table of ContentsWhat Effect Base Metals have on CupellationMetal Losses in CupellationBone AshExamination of the Cupel Cupellation is conducted in a muffle furnace, the construction of which is shown in Figs. 62-63. The fire is lighted, a little bone-ash is sprinkled on the floor of the muffle to prevent its corrosion by litharge in case of the upsetting of a

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