
Hydrochloric Acid Gas

Table of ContentsLaboratory Hydrochloric Acid Gas Experiment ILaboratory Experiment Hydrochloric Acid Gas IIHydrochloric Acid Gas Laboratory Experiment III Our Hydrochloric Acid Gas experiment starts when you place a little sodium chloride in a test-tube and add a drop or two of strong sulphuric acid; an effervescence follows and a gas is given off with a strongly acid pungent odour. NaCl + H2SO4

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Bromine Gas

Table of ContentsLaboratory Bromine Gas Experiment IBromine Gas Laboratory Experiment IILaboratory Experiment with Bromine Gas III In the preparation of bromine, fix up your apparatus as for the preparation of nitric acid, surrounding the receiver with cold water. Mix about 4 grams of manganese dioxide with 2 grams of potassium bromide, transfer to the retort carefully, and add a little strong sulphuric acid;

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Iodine Gas

Table of ContentsIodine Gas Laboratory Experiment ILaboratory Experiment with Iodine Gas IILaboratory Iodine Gas Experiment III Mix about 1 or 2 grams of potassium iodide with about twice its weight of manganese dioxide, and transfer the mixture to a flask fixed on a retort stand, then add a few c.c. of strong sulphuric acid (do not fit a cork into the flask); violet fumes soon appear, and

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Hydrofluoric Acid, Silicon Fluoride and Hydrofluorosilicic Acid Gas

Table of ContentsLaboratory Experiment ILaboratory Experiment II Hydrofluoric acid can be prepared by the action of sulphuric acid on fluorspar (calcium fluoride), but glass apparatus cannot be used in the preparation on account of the action of this gas on the glass. Take a small round piece of sheet lead about 3 inches in diameter, and with the pestle press

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Sulphur Dioxide Gas

Table of ContentsSulphur Dioxide Gas Laboratory Experiment ISulphur Dioxide Gas Laboratory Experiment IISulphur Dioxide Gas Laboratory Experiment IIISulphur Dioxide Gas Laboratory Experiment IVSulphur Dioxide Gas Laboratory Experiment VSulphur Dioxide Gas Laboratory Experiment VISulphur Dioxide Gas Laboratory Experiment VII Fix up your apparatus as in the preparation of carbon dioxide, only set your flask on a retort-stand, so that it can be heated. Take about

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Sulphur Trioxide Gas

The Sulphur Trioxide Gas Laboratory experiments starts when you pour about 10 c.c. of strong Nordhausen sulphuric acid (H2S2O7) into a small retort to which is attached a receiver; heat the retort carefully, and fumes of sulphur trioxide will pass over and condense to a white crystalline solid in the receiver. H2S2O7 = H2SO4 + SO3 Allow a drop of

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Glass Working

Table of ContentsCutting Glass TubesBending Glass TubesDrawing down Glass TubesRounding and Bordering the ends of TubesMaking Closed TubesMaking Bulb TubesMending Test-tubesFitting up a Wash bottleGraduating Test tubes and BeakersBlowpipe Flame test and Borax bead Before starting to work at Practical Chemistry it is necessary that the student should have some knowledge of how to cut, bend, draw down, and round

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Properties of Gold & Alloys

Table of ContentsThe Colours of GoldMalleability and Ductility of GoldWhat is the Hardness of GoldHow Tough is GoldSpecific Gravity of GoldCohesion of GoldSpecific Heat of GoldWhat is the Fusibility of GoldWhat is the Spectrum of GoldIs Gold MagneticWhat is the Atomic Weight and Volume of GoldVolatilisation of GoldCrystallisation of GoldALLOYS OF GOLD From very early times the ancients were attracted by the beautiful colour,

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Crystallisation of Gold

Gold crystallises in the cubic system, occurring frequently in nature in the form of cubes, octahedra and rhombic dodecahedra. Cleavage is never exhibited. Single detached crystals are comparatively rare, and the crystals are usually attached end to end, forming strings, and branching, arborescent, or moss-like masses, which are composed of microscopic crystals, usually octahedra. These forms occur frequently in quartz

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Silver Chlorination Leaching by Trough Method


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Silver Ingot Melting

The method of making silver ingots in use at this Mint being radically different from that employed at any other Mint of the United States or, so far as known to me, any Mint in the world, there may be some interest in a description of the apparatus used and a brief history of its distinguishing feature, viz., the rotary

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Gold Prospecting Methods

Table of ContentsGeochemical ProspectingWet chemical methodsGeophysical ProspectingMagnetic Prospecting methodsGeoelectric Prospecting methodsClaim to Mineral Discovery and Exploration   The modern gold prospector has advantages that to some extent make up for the increased difficulty of finding ore deposits. One advantage is greatly increased knowledge about the geologic factors that localize ore deposition. The search for new deposits has become a complex

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Prospecting for Minerals

Table of ContentsMINERAL PROSPECTING TECHNIQUESGEOCHEMICAL PROSPECTINGWet Chemical MethodsInstrument TechniquesGEOPHYSICAL PROSPECTINGMagnetic MethodsRadiometric MethodsINDICATOR PLANTSCLAIM TO MINERAL DISCOVERY AND EXPLORATIONSERVICES AVAILABLE TO PROSPECTORS Prospectors have made a tremendous contribution to the development of this Nation’s mineral resources. Since the time of the earliest settlement, the need for iron for tools and guns, lead for bullets, and copper for utensils has prompted a

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Extraction Of Silver

Table of ContentsExtraction of SilverFirst LeachingSecond LeachingPrecipitation of the SilverTreatment of the Precipitated SilverQuality of Ores fit for the Solving ProcessSulphide of Calcium The extraction of silver by the solving processes simple. The ore is first roasted with salt in the usual way, whereby the formation of base metal chlorides cannot be avoided entirely. After roasting, the ore is first

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A Underground Method of Mining Iron Ore

Some ore deposits found in jasper-slates and in the horizon between these and their associated clay-slates; in the latter they are true contact-deposits. They are found in this jasper- and clay-slate formation under varied conditions, yet, in all, certain characteristic laws are preserved. The angle of dip varies from 15° to 20°, and up to 85° and even 90°, with

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Fine Rock Crushing with Jaw Crushers

The introduction of a new machine for fine crushing, or The Blake multiple-jaw crusher, which, in combination with the ordinary Blake breaker, could be used in the reduction of ores or any hard and brittle substance to almost any degree of fineness.  How can you use a jaw crusher to crush fine enough to feed a ball mill? The construction

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Basic Ball Mill Grinding Circuit

Table of ContentsBall Mill Product ClassifyingRake and Drag ClassifiersSpiral Classifiers A mill consists of a steel shell supported at each end by a hollow trunnion running in a bearing, lined with steel plates, and driven by belt and gears or by motor and gears. The mill is set at a slight slope and is fed with finely crushed ore and

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RP4 Shaker Table

Table of ContentsRP-4 GOLD SHAKER TABLERP 4 SHAKER TABLE FOR SALE RP-4 Shaker Table Instructions Manual RP-4 GOLD SHAKER TABLE All RP4 shaker tables operate best when firmly secured to a dense solid mounting base. Wooden stands will set up harmonics and vibrations. Dense concrete or solid bedrock is preferred or a heavy braced steel table sitting on concrete. Mount

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How to Extinguish a Mine Fire

Table of ContentsSOUTH WILKES-BARRE NO. 5 COLLIERY FIRENOTTINGHAM NO. 15 COLLIERY FIREDISCUSSION In the anthracite fields of Pennsylvania, mine fires occur with more or less regularity and their existence is an ever-present hazard in coal mining. In all probability 90 per cent, of the mine fires can be ascribed directly or indirectly to the ordinary miner’s open lamp. Other causes

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Analyse & Assay Refined Lead

Table of ContentsLEAD ANALYSIS METHODTYPICAL ANALYSIS OF A MARKET LEAD In preparing a sample of refined lead for analysis, it is necessary to exercise great care to avoid contamination, as the amounts of the various impurities present in market lead are very small. The lead is cut into convenient-sized pieces, which are flattened out with a hammer, so that, on putting

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Handling Ore in Stopes and Drifts

Table of ContentsHANDLING ORE IN STOPES AND DRIFTSShovelingCOMPARATIVE SHOVELING COSTS FOR DIFFERENT METHODS OF STOPINGHANDLING ORE IN CHUTESHANDLING ORE ON LEVELSHand and Animal TrammingMechanical HaulageStorage-battery LocomotivesSTATIONS Every one connected with a mine knows that it is hard to keep down the costs of moving ore from the place where it is broken to the shaft or portal. Considered broadly, the

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Effect of Time in Reheating Quenched Steel

Table of ContentsHEAT TREATMENTMARKING AND PREPARING THE SPECIMENSTENSILE AND HARDNESS TESTSDISCUSSION OF RESULTS A study on the effect of time in tempering medium-carbon steel, when the following conclusions were reached: It is not fair to consider the question settled when only three specimens were used for each treatment, but the results obtained indicate that for reheating quenched medium-carbon steel to

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