

Ammonite is an iridescent gem formed within an ancient marine fossil for which it was named—ammonite. Originally discovered by the Blackfoot Indians, ammolite is mined only in Southern Alberta, Canada. Most ammolite is assembled into doublets or triplets to increase durability because solid ammolite is usually thin and fragile, If it’s untreated and solid, ammolite is usually priced per carat and shaped as a freeform

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Assaying Silver

Table of ContentsPreparation of Samples & Chemical AnalysesReducing-Power of the OreAssay of Dead-Roasted Silver OreDead-Roasted Silver ConcentratesAcidic SlagsBasic SlagsUse of Borax in ExcessNormal Charge for Coppery OreEffects of Litharge used in ExcessSpecial Scorification-TestsSignificance of Assay Results Among smelters generally, the prevailing opinion is that in a slag which is either extremely acidic or extremely basic in character there is a greater or less

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Underground Mining Method Example

Owing to two large falls of ground which resulted in serious accidents occurring towards the end of 1908, it became evident that the “open chamber” system then muse was unsuitable for the conditions existing in the Mount Morgan mine. It will be admitted that in all mining operations the first consideration is the economy of the system adopted, combined with

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Tin Mining and Recovery by Sluicing

Table of ContentsTin GeologyOccurrence of Tin in DriftsPreliminary Examination and Engineering ConsiderationsTin Deposit ValuationEstimating Tin ReservesEstimating Value of the Tin DriftComparative Accuracy of the Different MethodsTin Mining begin with Removal of OverburdenDumpingSluicing the Tin DriftDesign and Construction of a Tin Recovery SluiceSluice Tail WaterWater Measurements on the Tin MinesMeasurement of Drift and Overburden RemovedCleaning UpStreamingCostsHydraulic Sluicing of DriftDredging In this paper an attempt is made to describe

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Portable Fire Assaying Furnace

Table of ContentsEquipmentChemical Reagents, and SuppliesPracticable Substitutes in the FieldGold and Silver AssayCopper and Lead Assays For years past I have traveled in quest of promising mining- properties, over almost impassable mountain-trails to remote places in the mining-regions, usually many miles from an assay-office. If, upon examination, the formation and the ore-deposit appeared favorable, a quick determination of the value of my samples was

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Assay Laboratory Equipment: Cost Savings

Under the title, Labor-Saving Appliances in the Works-Laboratory, I published a paper in which was described how multi-manipulations in a works-laboratory and in the furnace-room of an assay-laboratory, can be condensed into single manipulations by applying the proper mechanical devices. For example, I now deposit in, or withdraw from, a muffle a set of 48 cupels as one unit. The

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Graphic Method of Computing Mine Values

Table of ContentsThe Proposed MethodAdvantages of the Proposed MethodPrecautions to be Observed when Using the PlanimeterWhen Samples are Cut at Equal Distances ApartWhen Samples are at Unequal DistancesComparison of MethodsDiscussion Those who have had occasion to sample a mine not infrequently find that it is impossible to take their sample cuts at regular distances apart, owing to the ground being close timbered, a stope

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Vanning Shovel & Frue Vanner

Some time ago, we had to decide the question whether it would pay to re-treat slime-tailings, and several machines were tested in order to ascertain the type of construction which would give the greatest saving. In previous tests on the ore of this company, several tables proved far inferior to Vanning and for this reason they did not receive any serious

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Granitic Magma Crystallization

Table of ContentsFractional Distillation of Magmatic ResiduesThe Acid Solutions and their EffectsSummary In discussing the crystallization of a granitic magma it is sometimes assumed that there is a simple pro rata increase of the water content of the residual liquid as crystallization proceeds; i.e., it is assumed that, when the proportion of crystals amounts to one-half, the amount of water in

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Vanadium Deposits

Table of ContentsYauli District Geology GeologyQuisque District GeologyGeologyThe Vanadium DepositEffects of OxidationConclusions The scope of this paper is the description of two districts in Peru in which vanadium deposits have been found, and the consideration of much laboratory-work that I and others have done to determine the nature of these deposits. It is with regret that I present some of the data

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Ore Sampling Methods: Good & Proper

From the old-fashioned “ grab-sample ” to the modern timing- device, which takes a machine-sample with mathematical precision, there is a wide gap, which was only crossed by many years of toil and unremitting endeavor. Even to-day, notwithstanding the advancement in the art, “ grab-sampling ” is still practiced—sometimes to afford the unscrupulous mine-promoter a basis for fairy-tales with which

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Metallurgy Laboratory Equipment

Table of ContentsRequirements of the Metallurgical LaboratoryErection of the BuildingDescription of the BuildingOre-Testing Laboratory EquipmentAssay and Metallurgical Laboratory EquipmentMilling Laboratory EquipmentCrushing Room, Boiler-RoomFloor-Areas The Hammond Mining and Metallurgical Laboratory and its Equipment was the gift of Prof. John Hays Hammond to the Sheffield Scientific School of Yale University. Professor Hammond was graduated from this school in the class, and has always shown great interest in

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Gold Dredge Components & Parts

Table of ContentsPowerPumpCutterWinchBank-Pump and Clean-UpForce-PumpElectric LightMaintenance ShopStackerScreenGold Saving AreasHullFuelEnginesCrew and ExpenseCapacity and Cost Per Yard The design and specifications submitted in this paper are not offered as satisfying all conditions of gold dredging. Many rich stream-beds would not give “ elbow-room ” for such a dredge: many otherwise favorable gold-bearing areas are too small to warrant the cost of its

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Hydraulic Gold Dredging

Table of ContentsSuction DredgingConditions of Gold DredgingSuction Dredging in Gold Bearing GravelSuction DredgingHydraulic Gold Dredge Components & Parts Repeated failures in attempts to work gold-bearing gravels by means of suction dredges have created the impression that this method is impracticable. The suction hydraulic gold dredges have failed from three special causes: excessive wear and frequent breakage of pump-shell, runners and liners; inability to

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Table of ContentsEffects of High Concentration of Hyperfusibles in Gabbroid MagmaEffects of High Concentration of Hyperfusible Constituents in Granitic Magma Hyperfusible, adj. (of a substance) capable of reducing the melting ranges in end-stage magmatic fluids. The course of fractional crystallization of subalkaline magmas epitomized in the schematic reaction series is the net result of all the factors that contribute to phase equilibrium in the

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Tunneling Machines

Table of ContentsRadialax System of Tunnel DrivingProctor Tunneling MachineThe Karns MachineThe Sigafoos MachineThe Fowler MachineThe Bennett Machine If we could keep the rock-drills running all the time, and eliminate all the other operations except as they could be carried on without interfering with the drilling, that would certainly seem to promise more rapid progress. This is the idea which the

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Graphic Solution of Kutter’s Formula

A Graphic solution of Kutter’s formula for the flow of water has been worked out by Dr. L. I. Hewes in connection with his course in Graphic Computations, given in the Sheffield Scientific School, Yale University, which may be of interest to those who deal with canals, flumes and streams is probably the most accurate of those proposed determining the

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Driving Mine Headings in Rock Tunnels

Table of ContentsAmerican Tunneling RecordsEuropean Tunneling RecordsTunneling Machines This paper deals specifically with heading-driving as distinguished from the broader term tunnel-driving. A heading is a pilot or path-finder for the main tunnel. Some headings are complete tunnels in themselves; that is, conditions at times warrant driving a heading the full diameter of the proposed tunnel. A tunnel 10 ft. in

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Chemistry of Natural Borates

Table of ContentsComposition of Saline WatersSolubility of ComponentsTime-Element in Water-ConcentrationsEffect of TemperatureEffect of PressureBoraciferous Formations Since the borates which supply commerce with most of the raw materials for conversion into borax as it is used in the arts now come from old lake-beds or inland-sea deposits, their chemical relations and development are quite like those of saline deposits generally. While

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Grinding Mill Design & Ball Mill Manufacturer

Table of ContentsTypes of Grinding Mill ManufacturedROD MILLSPEBBLE MILLSSelecting Wet or Dry Grinding MillHow much grinding power is neededSAG Mill vs Ball MillMill speed and grinding charge volumeGrinding MediaGrinding Mill PowerGrinding Mill DesignMILL SHELLHEADS AND TRUNNIONSMILL TRUNNION BEARINGSSHORT TRUNNIONMILL RING GEARMILL PINIONMILL LUBRICATION SYSTEMSMILL LINERSMill FEED AND DISCHARGE Head ARRANGEMENTSGrinding Mill Specifications DataGrinding Mill Support EquipmentRod Mill & Ball Mill ManufacturerGrinding Engineering Technical

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Borax Ore Deposits & Geology

Table of ContentsWhere are Borax Ore DepositsGeologic Occurrence of BoraxOriginal SourcesSolfataric BoraxLacustrine BoraxMarsh BoraxTerrenal BoraxGeology of the Death Valley Borate-RegionSurface-ReliefGeologic FormationsGeotectonicsGeology of the Borate-Beds of Furnace CanyonGeneral FeaturesGeologic StructureOresTypical SectionBorate-Deposits of Lost ValleyBorate-Deposits in Mojave DesertDistributionGeologic StructureOresBorate-Deposits of Santa Clara ValleyDistributionGeologic StructureOresBorate-Deposits in Ventura CountyChemistry of Natural Borates A complete transformation has taken place in the borax industry. A most remarkable factor in

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Ruble Hydraulic Elevator Ribble Laddler

In many of the old placer-mining districts are still to be found large tracts of gold-bearing gravel not suitable to be worked with a dredge, because the bed is too shallow or the gulch too narrow. Frequently there is not enough grade to handle the gravel successfully by ground-sluicing or a bed-rock flume, or it contains too many boulders to

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Mineral Assay & Testing Laboratory Services

After the completion, of the Hammond Mineral Assay & Testing Laboratory of the Sheffield Scientific School, Yale University, it became necessary to secure and assay a large assortment of ore-samples, and to arrange the results in such a manner as to admit of use with the least amount of work on the part of the instructor. At first, pulp-samples, together

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Cone Crusher Parts

Table of ContentsCone Crusher SPIDER CAPTOP SHELL AND SPIDERCone Crusher MAINSHAFTHEAD CENTERCone Crusher STEP BEARINGCone Crusher MANTLECone Crusher CONCAVE RINGCone Crusher DUST SEALCone Crusher Eccentric, Gears, Pinion-shaftCone Crusher BOTTOM SHELLCone Crusher External Oiling SystemREPLACEMENT PARTS FOR CONE CRUSHERCone Crusher Components & PartsAdjustment RingBowlClamp RingAdjustment SystemHead-Main Shaft AssemblySocket AssemblyInner and Outer Bearing DesignSeal AssemblyMain Drive Gears Cone Crusher SPIDER CAP The cast

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