
Mining Levels: Stations, Drifts, & Crosscuts

Table of ContentsLateral DevelopmentLevel IntervalSizes of Drifts & CrosscutsCost of Driving Drifts & CrosscutsPlan Of Level Lay-Out Lateral Development In tabular, dipping lodes and thick massive deposits the ore bodies are developed laterally at several horizons spaced at more or less regular vertical intervals. In areas of high relief each horizon may be developed by driving an adit into the side

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Effect of Zn3Ag2 on Desilverization of Lead

Table of ContentsExperimentsSeries ASeries BSeries CSeries DSeries ESeries F Refiners of lead by the Parkes process have always been solicitous of recovering the zinc used in the desilverization, and justly so, as the loss in zinc constitutes one of the heavy costs in this method of refining. Part of this loss is due to the absorption of zinc by lead,

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Duplex Steel Making Process

Table of ContentsThe Tennessee Coal, Iron & Railroad Co.’s PlantThe Dominion Iron & Steel Co.’s PlantThe Bethlehem, Steel Co.’s PlantThe Pennsylvania Steel Co.’s PlantGeneral RemarksDiscussion The reasons for manufacturing steel by the duplex process are, briefly: saving of time; increasing output for capital invested; and avoiding the difficulty sometimes experienced in obtaining scrap. On account of the latter reason, some

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Mine Shaft Sinking Methods

Conventional mine shaft sinking methods involve the performance of a cycle of different operations—drilling and blasting, removal of smoke and cleaning of fly-rock lodged on overhead timbers, mucking and hoisting of the broken rock, and timbering. The latter (a) may be the last operation of the cycle, (b) may be carried on during drilling and mucking, provided it is done

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Mine Shaft Sinking Costs

Costs of sinking a mine shaft vary with the size and depth of the shaft; nature of the rock (the ease with which it can be drilled and broken, and the nature and amount of support required); amount of water that must be handled, speed of sinking, organization of the work, and the equipment employed; and labor and other local

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Mine Shaft Sinking Equipment

The technical literature is replete with descriptions of and data on shaft sinking equipment, methods and costs. The subject of shaft sinking has been discussed at some length in an earlier Bureau of Mines bulletin. A number of shaft-sinking operations are described in detail in the series of information circulars on mining methods and costs, to some of which reference

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Cupellation Losses & Assaying Error

Cupellation is well known to be one of the most effective methods of separating silver and gold from base metals and other impurities, as well as one of the most accurate means for their estimation. In the latter application it consists in absorbing in some porous medium the fused lead, oxide formed by the oxidation of the lead “bath,” which

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Driving an Underground Mine Adit: Methods & Equipment

Table of ContentsMining EquipmentMechanical LoadersScrapersShovel loadersTransportation equipmentVentilating equipmentMethods of Driving AditCost of Driving an Entrance to an Underground Mine Although practices in vogue for many years are still employed in small-scale operations, decided advances have been made, particularly in the last decade and especially in connection with large-scale operations. Contributing to this are introduction of mechanical loading equipment, mechanical ventilation, availability

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Copper Precipitation Methods

Table of ContentsHydrogen Sulphide in Precipitating CopperAnalysis of Matte and FeSSponge Iron Copper Precipitation MethodSulphur Dioxide Copper PrecipitationReduction of Cuprous ChloridePrecipitation with Sponge IronReduction with Coke in the Presence of LimestoneElectrolytic ReductionHow to Precipitate Copper from Solution In a leaching process, having obtained the copper in solution, the choice of the precipitation method is influenced by the following factors: Availability of

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How Frother Affects Flotation

At otherwise constant conditions, the prediction of R and K trends with increasing frother concentration is difficult and not uniform in nature. This is due, in part, to the observation that the pure concentration effect of a given frother on R and K is often dominated by interactions with particle size, collector type, pH, degree of agitation, and air flow.

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How to Select a Mine Entrance Location

Table of ContentsShafts VS AditsInclined VS Vertical shaftsSizes Of Main Openings The main opening is usually a permanent one that will be utilized throughout the life of the mine. It should, therefore, be so situated relative to the ore bodies that it will not be disturbed by ground movement caused by ore extraction and with a view to low maintenance

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Method of Precipitating Copper

During the last few years we have been doing considerable experimenting on methods of precipitating copper. The first patent on precipitating from sulphate solutions by heating with SO2 under pressure was taken out by us (U. S. Pat. 723,949). This reaction, CuSO4 + SO2 + 2H2O = Cu + 2H2SO4, is interesting, but there are a number of practical difficulties

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Leaching Copper: Iron form Electrolyte

The solvent we would use; how we would precipitate the copper from the solution, and what we would do with the iron in the electrolyte. Without going into the details of the reasons, we decided that sulphuric acid would be the most satisfactory solvent and that we would recover the copper from the solutions by electro-deposition. As to how we

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How to Recover Copper from Solution

At the beginning of our investigation we seriously considered what I called the “brutal method” of leaching, namely, the manufacture of sulphuric acid, the solution of the copper from the ore with such acid, and the precipitation of the copper by metallic iron, with the resultant complete, or nearly complete, destruction of both acid and iron and the production of

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Copper Leaching Problems & Solutions & Procedures

In recent years the metallurgical field of the copper industry has expanded greatly, the copper ores have become lean and diverse in character, and we are obliged to treat such ores on a very large scale. On the commercial side, the operating and consulting staffs of the great mining companies have been enlarged and organized, and no great capital expenditure

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Copper Leaching Method

Table of ContentsBringing Copper Metal into SolutionRecovering Copper Metal from Leach LiquorsCopper Leaching EquipmentCopper Leaching CostsCopper Leaching Practices The advance made in recent times in this branch of metallurgy is indicated by the attention the subject is receiving from important American Copper producing companies. Reference to the files of publications devoted to the mining industry discloses that some 20 American companies

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Cyanogen Compounds Chemistry

Table of ContentsAdvances in the Chemistry of Ore Treatment by CyanideTreatment of Carboniferous OresElectrolytic Regeneration of CyanideEffect of Mineral in Water on Cyanide ConsumptionManufacturing of Cyanogen CompoundsFixation of Atmospheric NitrogenConversion of Cyanamides into CyanidesProduction of Cyanogen Compoundsfrom Nitrogenous Gases by CatalysisProduction of Cyanogen Compoundsfrom Gaseous Mixtures by Absorption with a Metallic Salt It is a common observation that the improvements introduced in

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Ore Reserve Estimation Method

Table of ContentsAssay Maps and SectionsVolume and Tonnage EstimatesOre Volume CalculationOre Tonnage CalculationsOre Grade EstimationEstimates based on Drill-Hole DataOre Reserve Estimate EXAMPLE 1Ore Reserve Estimate EXAMPLE 2Estimates based on Underground SamplingWeighting of Assays of Individual SamplesErratic High AssaysComputation of Tonnage and Grade of Ore by BlocksRevision of ComputationsMine Development Estimates of the tonnage and average grade of ore deposits (ore-reserve estimates) are made for various purposes. They may be made by

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Bournonite, Jamesonite, and Calamine Occurences

Table of ContentsGeography and GeologyOccurrence of Ores and the Common Ore MineralsOccurrence of the BournoniteOccurrence of the JamesoniteOccurrence of the CalamineParagenesis and Conclusion The results of these investigations show that bournonite (PbCu-SbS3) is present in the ores in greater or less quantity. This fact has never before been reported, as far as can be learned. The failure to recognize this mineral is due to its

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Blast Furnace Blowing

Table of ContentsMethod of Rating—Air MeasurementDifficulties ExperiencedRelative Steadiness of BlastAdvantage of Steady BlastGoverning Air FlowGeneral Design of Turbo BlowersComparative EfficiencyComparison of Steam-Engine, Steam-Turbine, and Gas-Engine InstallationsPerformance of Reciprocating Steam EnginesPerformance of Gas Blowing EnginesPerformance of Turbo BlowerConclusionsDiscussion Turbo blowers for blast-furnace blowing have now been in use for some years, and a review of the experience gained and the present

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Arsenic Filtration for Potable Home Use

Table of ContentsHealth Effects of ArsenicArsenic in WaterArsenic GuidelinesArsenic in the USAArsenic Treatment MethodsRemove Arsenic by Ion-exchange Arsenic Removal using Reverse OsmosisCatalyst mediaAdsorption MediaArsenic Removal Case StudyWhat is the best home system for removing arsenic Before treating for arsenic it’s important to understand both arsenic composition and water chemistry. Arsenic (As) is a natural occurring mineral commonly found in clusters paired with sulfur and other

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Ammonia Carbon Dioxide Process

Table of ContentsPreparation of OreExtractionRecoveryZinc RecoveryLosses Most metallurgists appreciate the great need of a process for the extraction and recovery of valuable metals from complex ore, where the presence of one metal increases the cost of extracting the other metals to such an extent that not any of the metals can be extracted at a profit. We need only refer

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Precipitating Gold & Silver Using Metallic Minerals

Table of ContentsExperiments With Silver Sulphate SolutionExperiments with other Silver SolutionsQuantitative ExperimentsNiccolite and Silver Sulphate SolutionChalcocite and Silver Sulphate SolutionExperiments with Gold ChlorideEffects of Thin Coatings of Cuprous SulphidesApplication in Ore DepositsAssociation of Native Silver with Copper OresAssociation of Native Silver with Cohalt and Nickel ArsenidesAssociations of Native Gold with SulphidesHow Metallic Minerals Affect Silver and Gold Precipitation While the reducing

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