
Backfilling Mining Stopes

Stope filling has been discussed by Jackson in an earlier paper. Filling long has been recognized as the most effective method of permanently supporting the walls of mine workings and minimizing movement and subsidence. It is used alone in cut-and-fill stoping and in conjunction with framed timbers in square-set stoping for support of weak walls during the working of the

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Drilling & Blasting of Underground Stopes

Drilling in stopes is done with pneumatic-feed stopers, light handheld hammer drills of the jackhammer type and heavier plugger machines, drifters of the Leyner type mounted on crossbars or on columns, and drifters (and, now, only occasionally, piston drills) mounted on tripods; more recently, with the more extensive use of bort instead of carbon for diamond drilling, diamond drills are

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Timbering Mining Stopes

Timbering in stopes ranges from occasional light props or stubs to temporarily support patches of unsafe ground to regular timbering with square sets and large bulkheads or “cribs” of solid timbers. Regular stull timbering has been mentioned. Figure 94 shows this type of timbering in a narrow, steep-dipping vein. Figure 116 shows regular stub timbering in the Conglomerate mine, Calumet,

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Underground Stoping Practice & Methods

Table of ContentsVariations of Principal Stoping MethodsDrilling & Blasting of Underground StopesHow to Handle Ore in StopesBackFilling a Stope The general conditions to which each of the principal stoping methods is applicable have been stated briefly in the preceding pages. Variations of the principal methods, differences in methods of drilling and blasting, handling ore and waste in the stopes, transferring broken

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Determination Method of Gold & Silver in Cyanide Solution

Many assay methods for the determination of gold or silver, or both, in cyanide solutions have been published, which with care in manipulation, and modification in some cases, will give results that are satisfactory. It is possible to classify or group these methods as follows: Evaporating the solution in a porcelain or agate-ware dish containing litharge, or in a “boat”

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Melting Copper Cathode in Electric Furnace

Table of ContentsReverberatory Furnace RefiningWhy Reverberatory Refining is SuperfluousEffect of Cuprous Oxide on CopperElectric Furnace Melting of Cathode CopperFactors Governing Use of the Electric FurnaceElectric Furnace AdvantagesTypes of Electric Furnaces for Melting of Cathode CopperConclusionDiscussion The electric furnace has always been found to be especially adapted to melting, refining, and finishing processes throughout its gradual acceptance by metallurgists as a practical apparatus for conducting metallurgical operations. In the

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Stoping Mining Methods

Table of ContentsStoping MethodsClassification of stoping methodsStopes Naturally Supported Open StopesStopes Artificially SupportedShrinkage StopingCut & Fill StopingStulled Stopes in Narrow VeinsSquare-Set StopingCaved Stopes Mining MethodMining by Block Caving MiningMining by Sublevel CavingTop Slicing Mining MethodCombinations of Supported and Caved Stopes The subject of stoping has been discussed at considerable length by Jackson and Gardner in a Bureau of Mines bulletin. Data in

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Manganese Steel Rails

Since the writer has been intimately connected with the development of manganese steel for many years, some remarks upon the early work with regard to the rolling and forging of this material might be of interest, and particularly as to the question of rails of special quality and of superior wearing qualities. In a paper on Iron Alloys, with Special

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Casting Manganese Steel Liners for Mills or Crushers

When mixed with common cast steel in quantities ranging from 11 to 13½ per cent. and properly treated, manganese increases the ductility of the metal and adds greatly to its toughness and resistance to abrasive action, which properties comprise the distinctive characteristics that make manganese steel so valuable for many purposes at the present time. Manganese steel has been manufactured

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Ore Hoisting Methods

Table of ContentsShaft Stations, Storage, and Loading PocketsHoisting in BucketsHoisting in Cars on CagesHoisting in SkipsCost of Stations and Pockets Shaft Stations, Storage, and Loading Pockets Arrangements for handling ore and waste at the shaft will depend on the method of hoisting (whether in buckets, in cars on cages, or in skips); the tonnage and physical characteristics of the ore;

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Waste & Ore Pass Design @ Underground Transfer Points

Ore passes are simply vertical or inclined openings for transfer of broken ore to the haulage system. They may be raises in the ore or in the walls of the deposit or timbered openings through filled stopes and, as previously stated, usually terminate at the bottom in some form of loading chute. They must be steep enough to insure that

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Underground Ore Loading Chutes; Ore Chute Design

Table of ContentsPlatform or “Chinaman” chuteStopboard chutesVertical overcut or guillotine-type gateSliding undercut gatesHinged gatesOvercut arc gatesUndercut arc gatesFinger gatesFinger chutesCurtain or flexible-door gateCost of Installation of loading chutes Gravity usually is employed wherever possible to move broken ore from stopes to the haulage levels, and ore-passes from the stopes terminate at the bottom in chutes, by means of which the flow

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Hydrometallurgical Equipment

The object of the first classification done in cyaniding work was to produce a leachable sand and overflow as small an amount of sand as possible with the ‘slime, which was usually run to waste. In the early days various arrangements of adjustable tank gates were used, and sometimes direct overflow of tanks filled with a rotary distributor sufficed. Later, cone

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Rock Hammer Drills

Table of ContentsDriftingRaisingStopingOpencut The hammer drill rightly receives the credit for having made the one-man drill possible, and so many economies seem possible through the proper application of different types of hammer drills to various mining, quarrying, and excavating operations, that an indication of the economies effected by the New Jersey Zinc Co. at its Franklin mines may be of

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Gold Bearing Gravel

Table of ContentsDiscovery of Gold Bearing Gravel in CanadaCharacter of QuebecDrainageStructural GeologyHistorical GeologySummary of Gold ConditionsCharacter of BedrockCharacter of GoldMethods of Mining Discovery of Gold Bearing Gravel in Canada A woman first discovered gold in the Chaudiere Valley near the mouth of Gilbert River. No attention was paid to the discovery, but a young girl named Clothilde Gilbert, taking a horse to water, found in

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Underground Mining Transportation & Haulage Systems

Table of ContentsTransportation of Ore and WasteTramming and HaulingHand TrammingAnimal HaulageTon-Miles Obtained Under Varying ConditionsMechanical HaulageLocomotive HaulageTramming and Haulage CostsScrapingConveyor Systems Transportation of Ore and Waste For the purpose of this discussion, “transportation” signifies the operations involved in transporting ore and waste from the face or stope where it is broken to the surface but not the handling of the

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How to Recover Radium, Uranium & Vanadium #6

Table of ContentsRecovery of UraniumRecovery of VanadiumRecovery of RadiumTabulated DataDiscussion of Tabulated DataRecovery of Sodium NitrateCost of ProductionLeachingSodium UranateIron VanadateSodium Nitrate RecoveryNitric AcidRadium RefiningExpenditures to August 1, 1915Total Costs per gram of Radium Element Recovery of Uranium In the extraction process practically all of the uranium in the ore is dissolved in the nitric acid, a little remaining in the

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Processing, Extraction & Recovery of RADIUM from Uranium Ore #5

Table of ContentsRadium MeasurementsApproximate Method for SolidsGamma-Ray Measurement of RadiumRadium Determination by Emanation MethodProcedure when Radium is Soluble or in SolutionTreatment for Solution Containing Barium in Excess over RadiumTreatment for Solutions Containing Little or no BariumTreatment for Solution without Barium & Excess Barium PrecipitantProcedure for Liquids Containing Excess of Sulphate or CarbonateFusion Method for Radium DeterminationDirect Fusion MethodBoiling off Emanation from SolutionsMethods of

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RADIUM Extraction & Recovery #4

Table of ContentsRefining in the PlantOld Method of Treating Radium-Barium SulphatesResults of Ebler’s ExperimentsReduction of Barium Sulphate by Coal Gas in an Electric FurnaceReduction with CharcoalTreatment of SulphideEquipment for FractionationProcedure in FractionationLaboratory RefiningTreatment of ChloridesRemoval of LeadConversion to BromideTreatment of BromidesNumber of Fractions EmployedProcedure in Higher FractionationResults of Higher FractionationComments on ResultsAdsorption of RadiumAccumulation of Radium in Laboratory Crystallizing System

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VANADIUM & URANIUM Extraction and Recovery #3

Table of ContentsPrecipitation of VanadiumNitrate RecoveryUse of Low-Grade Nitrate UnsatisfactoryStorage of Nitrate SolutionMethod of Using Crystallizing PansNitric Acid ManufactureUranium RefiningMethods First UsedResults Obtained by Various InvestigatorsFusion MethodUse of Oil FurnacesFusion with Sodium Salts“Light” and “Dark” Sodium UranateConversion of Sodium Uranate Into Uranium OxideEffect of ReductionPlant Procedure TriedSmall-Scale Tests of Other ProcessesTests of Various Crucible MaterialsConstruction of Experimental Electric FurnaceVoltages UsedMelting Pots

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Table of ContentsLeaching, Filtering, and Washing OrePrecipitationTreatment of Sodium Carbonate SolutionTreatment of Vanadium SolutionTreatment of Sodium Nitrate SolutionRecoveries Made by Bureau’s ProcessGeneral Description of Denver Plant and EquipmentDescription of First PlantConstruction and Operation of Leaching PotsConstruction and Operation of Suction FiltersPrecipitating TanksSteam-Heating DevicesFilter PressesAcid ConveyorsFloating SiphonMiscellaneous FeaturesDescription of Second PlantSulphate Building and EquipmentPower HouseEquipment for Sodium Nitrate RecoveryFurnace RoomDetailed Description

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Mining Stope Development Method

Table of ContentsStopingStope-Development MethodsRaisesCost of Driving Raises Stoping The foregoing discussion relates to general mine development and covers the work required to reach and penetrate the ore bodies and to provide the main arteries through which the ore is taken from the mine. These arteries provide mine drainage and avenues for travel and transportation of men and supplies and for

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Electronic Scrap Precious Metals Recovery: Gold, Silver, Platinum

Table of ContentsWhat is Electronic Scrap WEEEProcesses used for WEEE recyclingExperimental Electronic Scrap Metal Recovery MethodsElectronic Scrap LeachingIncineration to Recover Metal from Electronic ScrapElectronic Scrap Processing by Aluminum & Iron EliminationWEEE Recovery by Sink & Float + Magnetic SeparationHand Sorting of Electronic ScrapRecycling WEEE by Sweating of AluminumCaustic Leaching of eScrapRegeneration of CausticSmelting Scrap Electronics Smelting Aluminum Bearing Scrap for Assayable ProductsSmelting eScrap to Separate MetalsLarger Scale

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RADIUM, URANIUM & VANADIUM Extraction & Recovery #1

Table of ContentsUsing Acid LeachLeaching With Sulphuric AcidMethod of Fleck, Haldane, and WhiteMethodsLeaching with Hydrochloric acidUse of Alkaline LeachHaynes-Engle ProcessBleecker’s ProcessExtraction of Radium by Fusion MethodsFusion With Sodium SulphateProcedure of Haitinger and UlrichRadcliffe’s MethodFusion with Sodium CarbonateProcesses DescriptionLeaching with Hydrochloric AcidFusion with Sodium Carbonate & Acid LeachingFusion with Sodium CarbonatePossible New Methods of Radium ExtractionAdvantages of Using Nitric Acid Until recently little had been

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