Base Metal Metallurgy Research Articles

  1. The product development and continuous improvement process for refractories in the base metals industry – A text book and practical perspective
  2. The upper ore body, a new dimension to Nchanga underground mining operation
  3. The use of sulphuric acid in the mineral sands industry as a chemical mechanism for iron removal
  4. Tomorrow’s technology-out of Africa-today
  5. Uranium recovery from acid leach liquors The optimisation of RIP-SX based flowsheets
  6. Water balances in hydrometallurgical refineries
  7. Water reduction at Skorpion Zinc and the impact on the environment
  8. What scale should your smelting testwork be done at, and what do you get for the money you spend
  9. 10 years of Zinc market development in Southern Africa (Keynote address)
  10. A case study on the operation of a Flottweg Tricanterr centrifuge for solvent-extraction crud treatment at Bwana Mkubwa, Ndola, Zambia
  11. A comparison of large bead ion exchange resins for recovery of base metals in resin-in-pulp (RIP) circuit
  12. A comparison of the effect of chemical and bioleaching on the kinetics of sphalerite leaching
  13. A review of the application of molecular recognition technology (MRT) for Ni-Cu-Co hydrometallurgical process separations and for the purification of cobalt streams
  14. Addressing the challenges of sustainability in the mining industry
  15. An assessment of pentlandite occurrence in the run of mine ore from BCL mine (Botswana) and its impact on the flotation yield
  16. An introduction to the Rados XRF ore sorter
  17. Anglo Research (AR) experiences with integrated comminution and flotation plant modelling
  18. Assessing the performance and capacity of matte leaching using predictive models
  19. Base Metals Conference 2011
  20. Base metals heap leaching applications and process parameters
  21. BCL sulphur capture options
  22. Cadmium removal from cobalt electrolyte
  23. Can we decrease the ecological footprint of base metal production by recycling
  24. Cave management and secondary breaking practices at Palabora Mining Company
  25. Cobalt processing developments
  26. Commissioning of the 375 ktpm Autogenous Milling Circuit at Nkomati Nickel
  27. Comparison of solvent extraction and selective precipitation for the purification of cobalt electrolytes at the Luilu Refinery, DRC
  28. Copper and cobalt extraction from sulphate solution using natural clinoptilolite
  29. Cover and Contents
  30. Cover and Contents-1
  31. Development of a mineral flotation frother for Nchanga Mine on the Zambian Copperbelt
  32. Development of effective solvent-extraction process control-low cost implementation value-addition to hydrometallurgical copper operations
  33. Dissolution of six sulfide concentrates in the hydrocopperr environment
  34. Effective use of energy in the flotation process
  35. End-of-life mode of failure of a zinc sulphide concentrate fluidized bed roaster and its rebuilding
  36. Evaluation of various durability tests to assess resin for in-pulp applications
  37. Exploitation of a massive low grade zinc-lead resource at Rosh Pinah Zinc Corporation, Namibia
  38. Extending the application of the AMIRA P754 Code of Practice for Metal Accounting
  39. Flowsheet considerations for copper-cobalt projects
  40. Grade control blending and selectivity for optimal process performance at the Skorpion Zinc Mine, Namibia
  41. High pressure grinding moving ahead in copper, iron, and gold processing
  42. Impact of poor fragmentation on cave management
  43. Implementing strategies to improve mill capacity and efficiency through classification by particle size only, with case studies
  44. Improved flow and flotation monitoring for process efficiency improvements through new technology utilizing non-invasive passive arrays
  45. Increasing the capacity of grinding circuits without installing more mills
  46. Industrial trial of Minteks Xanthoprobe at the Eland Platinum Concentrator
  47. Intelligent gearing system-Solution to understand and correct operational conditions that reduce the fatigue life of a girth gear
  48. Investigation of factors influencing the determination of discount rate and the application of quantitative methods for discount rate using risk factors in the minerals industry
  49. Investigation of sorting technology to remove hard pebbles and recover copper bearing rocks from an autogenous milling circuit
  50. Keeping open of underground blast holes
  51. Laboratory and pilot-plant investigations into the performance of a synergistic versatic 10 acid solvent extraction system for the recovery of nickel from calcium-saturated streams
  52. Larox horizontal vacuum belt filter with side vacuum
  53. Leaching kinetics of Cu, Co, Zn, Pb and Fe from copper smelting slags cooled in different ways after tapping
  54. Manganese removal from cobalt solutions with dilute sulphur dioxide gas mixtures
  55. Maximizing the value derived from laboratory test work towards heap leaching design
  56. Microwave-assisted So2 flushed acid leaching of mixed cobalt-copper oxidized ores
  57. Milestones in the improvement of nickel and copper recoveries at BCL
  58. Milling circuit selection for Nkomati 375 ktpm concentrator
  59. Milling technology selection for the Tati Activoxr Project base on pilot scale ultrafine milling test work on nickel sulphide concentrates
  60. Mineral endowments and developing economies
  61. Modernisation of the BCL smelter
  62. ‘Necessity the mother of invention’ A reflection on the requirements for successful innovation in the metallurgical industries
  63. Novel design aspects of the Tati Activoxr Project ammonia recovery circuit
  64. Novel redesign of a pressure leach autoclave by a South African platinum producer
  65. Oxidative precipitation of Fe and Mn by AIR-SO2
  66. Parameters influencing the leachability of calcines emanating from microwave roasted sphalerite and pyrite concentrates
  67. Piloting of the Ishigaki Fibre-Wakishimizu-(Fibre media rapid filtration equipment) at Skorpion Zinc
  68. Pilot-plant study of sulfuric acid extraction from a nickel electrolyte using Alamine 308
  69. Planning a new analytical laboratory for an uranium mine taking automation into consideration
  70. Pre-concentration of low grade lateritic sulphide nickel ore
  71. Process development of the Nkomati PCMZ base metals sulphide ore
  72. Reconciliation along the base metal value chain
  73. Recovery of uranium from dense slurries via resin-in-pulp
  74. Remote mine wide communications
  75. Review of selective separations of cobalt, uranium, zinc, nickel and associated contaminants from various process streams
  76. RIP pilot plant for the recovery of copper and cobalt from tailings
  77. Rock support in Southern African hard rock mines
  78. Skorpion Zinc Optimization and innovation
  79. Skorpion zinc solvent extraction the upset conditions
  80. Soluble metal recovery improvement using high density thickeners in a CCD Circuit Ruashi II a case study
  81. Solvent extraction test work to evaluate a versatic 10 NicksynTM Synergistic System for nickel-calcium separation
  82. Technologies for the base metal casting industry in Southern Africa The impact of rapid prototyping
  83. The application of bioleaching to base metal sulfides in Southern Africa prospects and opportunities
  84. The application of GRP and thin spray liner support products in a typical block cave mining method to enhance safety and productivity
  85. The challenge of technology adoption and utilisation in the mining industry-A focus on open pit mining technologies
  86. The Democratic Republic of Congo and Zambia A growing global Hotspot for Copper-cobalt mineral investment and exploitation
  87. The effect of gangue mineralogy on the density separation of low grade nickel ore
  88. The impact of a crushing plant upgrade and DMS pre-concentration on the processing capability of the Tati nickel concentrator
  89. The influence of water quality on the flotation of the Rosh Pinah complex lead-zinc sulfides
  90. The mechanisms of the passivation of sulfide minerals in oxidative leaching processes
  91. The minerals industry and syndicated research
  92. The new generation polyester resin capsule support for rock bolt solutions to the mining industry