Froth Flotation Applications
Unusual Applications Of The Flotation Process: In the mineral industry flotation is often defined as a physicochemical process that has the capability of separating two or more finely divided minerals from each other. In the usual concept of flotation all three forms of matter are involved and many of the physical and chemical properties of gases, […]
Flotation Kinetics: Mass Recovery vs Entrainment
This covers the recovery of entrained solids with water and the relationship between mineralogy and flotation performance; both are described in terms of flotation kinetics. The starting points for the relationship between mass and water recovery other products of a flotation rate test. In addition to concentrate mass, metal or mineral and floatable gangue. If […]
Gold Bullion Assay Procedure
The procedure for assay of gold bullion, as described has for its sole object the estimation of the percentage of gold present in the alloy, all other constituents being disregarded. In the first instance, the simple case of the assay of gold alloys containing appreciable quantities of only copper and silver will be dealt with. Refined […]
Assaying Tungsten Determination
In dealing with wolfram ores and concentrates, we identified 3 three determination methods for the estimation and Assaying Tungsten that are discussed below are well known, but these results of their trials and comparison under technical conditions may be interesting. Tungsten Assaying Method 1 The routine procedure for the assay of rich wolfram ores or concentrates […]
Copper Lead Zinc Mining
Design and Construction The mill design and construction was accomplished through the combined efforts of Equipment Company in Colorado, Equipment Company (Peru) S. A., and Sindicato Minero Pacococha S. A. The design objective was a highly efficient mill at a minimum expense, and with plans to allow for a systematic expansion program to increase the […]
Complex Base Metal Process Plant Circuit
The flowsheet in this study was designed to treat 500 tons per day of a complex base metal ore containing gold and silver values. The presence of free gold offers opportunity to recover these values in the grinding circuit so that the gold could be amalgamated, and marketed directly to the U.S. mint. The ore […]
How is Copper Ore Processed
In 1948 Trefoil was privileged to publish an Engineering Notebook Bulletin on Development and Pilot Plant Operations at the Nchanga Consolidated Copper Mines Ltd., Chingola, Northern Rhodesia. This article was authored by Mr. H. L. Talbot, then Consulting Metallurgist to the Anglo-American Group of Companies in Northern Rhodesia. It is now our privilege to bring […]
Poly-metallic Process Plant Design
The San Juan Mountains of Western Colorado are often referred to as the “Switzerland of America.” Among the many mining properties in this area is the well-known Camp Bird mine. The history of this property dates to 1877 although its really active beginning was on May 12, 1902 when Camp Bird Limited, an English company, […]
Gold Fire Assay Process
The Gold Fire Assay Process of ores is almost universally conducted in the dry procedure by furnace methods. Exceptions will be noted later. The plan of operation is to concentrate the precious metal in a button of lead either (1) Fire Assay By fusion in a crucible; or, more rarely, (2) Fire Assay By scorification. […]
Plate Tectonics and Mineralization Process
The geological theory of Plate Tectonics and the Associated Mineralization Process relating to the formation of ore deposits is a hugely complicated process with the myriad contributing variables such as rock and fluid compositions, temperature, pressure pH, eH, structure and time, all interacting to provide a host of different outcomes. In truth ore deposits and […]