Handling Ore in Stopes and Drifts
Every one connected with a mine knows that it is hard to keep down the costs of moving ore from the place where it is broken to the shaft or portal. Considered broadly, the subject of handling would cover all work done in a mine but here it has been limited to handling ore in […]
Effect of Time in Reheating Quenched Steel
A study on the effect of time in tempering medium-carbon steel, when the following conclusions were reached: It is not fair to consider the question settled when only three specimens were used for each treatment, but the results obtained indicate that for reheating quenched medium-carbon steel to temperatures below 500° it is only necessary to […]
Effect of Sulfur and Oxides in Ordnance Steel
In the manufacture of gun forgings and other steel parts that, in service, are subject to sudden high stresses and shocks, it is most desirable to use steel possessing the greatest toughness and ductility possible without sacrifice of strength. In order to obtain this condition, it is necessary to procure steel that shows the highest […]
Silver Fineness Determination
This excellent volumetric method commends itself as a means of estimating the fineness of silver—firstly, owing to the large number of possible impurities which do not affect its accuracy (these impurities include Cu—up to 70%— Au, Pb, Zn, Bi, Cd, Fe, Mn, Sb, and As) ; secondly, the method combines accuracy with speed. The above […]
Rotary Silica Sponge Filter
Chemical Equilibrium between Iron Carbon and Oxygen
Descriptive Mineralogy Classification
Scope of Descriptive Mineralogy. — It is the province of Descriptive Mineralogy to describe each mineral species, as regards: (1) form and structure; (2) physical characters; (3) chemical composition including blowpipe and chemical tests; (4) occurrence in nature with reference to geographical distribution and association with other species; also in connection with the above to […]
De-Silverizing Bullion
The de-silverizing of base bullion is carried out in accordance with the principles of the well-known Parkes process. The base bullion produced by the blast furnace department carries (apart from silver values) impurities, the chief of which are copper, antimony, and arsenic. In order to more clearly indicate the grade of the base bullion, the […]
Crystal Structure using X-ray Spectrometer
“It would seem as if the methods used to date for the elucidation of this complex problem have yielded all they are capable of yielding and that further straining of these methods will only serve to confuse the issue, the point having been reached when this juggling, no matter how skilfully done, with allotropy, solid […]