Flooded Bed Scrubbers & Silica Removal
Silicosis, a debilitating and potentially deadly lung disease, develops through inhalation of excessive levels of respirable crystalline silica dust. In underground coal mines, continuous miner operators have historically been at a high risk of overexposure to silica, with over 25% of compliance dust samples exceeding the permissible exposure limit. Flooded-bed scrubbers are fan-powered dust collectors […]
Estimate Recoverable Ore Reserves
The limitations that ore reserve estimators have faced in the past while trying to estimate recoverable reserves stem from different aspects. There are several factors that curtail the effectiveness of the “traditional” geostatistical models: A variogram model is required to derive the VCF; it is well-known that the VCF value itself is greatly influenced by […]
IR Infrared Absorption Bands of Carboxylate
Carboxylate can interact with metal cations in four different modes, namely ionic, unidentate, bidentate, and bridging as depicted in Figure 9. The ionic type of interactions are usually observed in the alkali metal salts of carboxylic acids. In this case, the carboxylate ion has a symmetrical structure and the two oxygen atoms in the carboxylate […]
Density Separator
Ag-Pb-Zn and Ag-Au Peruvian sulfide ores were used for the pilot plant tests. For these tests, a stream of mineral slurry was directly obtained from the industrial grinding circuit to assure similar particle size distribution in the feed to both the Density Separator and the hydrocyclones. Table 1 presents the chemical analyses and specific gravity […]
Biological Hydrogen Sulfide Production
The Paques technology for the biological treatment of sulfate and metal containing waste waters or process waters, marketed under the name THIOPAQ, consists of different biological processes complemented with liquid/solid and gas separation steps. The produced hydrogen sulfide can be used in various metallurgical processes. The most important biological reaction is the reduction of sulfuric […]
Remove Nitrogen in Mining Effluent Water
Nitrate is normally present in waters associated with mining as a result of blasting activities using ammonium nitrate or dynamite. It may also be present in groundwater and surface water in agricultural areas from fertilizer use. Nitrate is also normally present in municipal and industrial waste streams after the aerobic degradation of ammonia. The concentration […]
Laboratory Leaching Test Procedure
Laboratory Leaching tests of mine wastes are typically performed using procedures that fall into two basic categories: batch and continuous. These categories are analogous to batch and continuous reactor methods used in metallurgical processing. Batch reactors for leaching tests can be in the form of a closed vessel, a cell, or a column. A continuous […]
Electrical Separation of Minerals
For characterising the electrical behaviour of chemically conditioned mineral samples and after charging the minerals with the body of the stainless steel mill they are subjected to an electrostatic free fall separator by using a steel feeder. Based on the polarity and the magnitude of the charges acquired by mineral grains they are attracted by […]
DMS Conical Cyclones VS Cylindrical Dense Media Separator
According to the statement made above, in a conventional conical cyclone where both overflow and underflow discharges are axial, a free vortex should form. Actually, a combination of free vortex and forced vortex known as Rankine’s vortex forms. It basically consists of two parts as shown in Figure 3: a forced vortex (b) – equivalent […]
Reagents to Recover Gold
The industrial processing of ores containing precious metals such as gold is generally very mining site specific. The variety of various mineral processing techniques employed is extensive and includes size reduction, size classification, gravity separation, roasting, cyanidation, chemical and/or bacterial leaching, ion exchange and/or solvent extraction, and froth flotation. Gold occurs in the earth’s crust […]