Aluminium Recycling Furnace Refractories

refractory corundum formation

We studied the problem of corundum formation on refractory linings in aluminum recycling furnaces. A laboratory test was developed for evaluating refractories in contact with molten recycled aluminum and identifying the mechanism of corundum formation. A test apparatus was designed and constructed to evaluate the performance of refractory samples. Corundum mechanism formation studies indicated that […]

Electrodewatering of Muds

electrodewatering apparatus

Research was conducted by the Bureau of Mines to determine the feasibility of using electrokinetic densification to dewater Bayer process red mud, magnetic black mud prepared by pressure digestion of red mud in the presence of ferrous sulfate, and magnetic black mud formed by simulated Bayer digestion of Jamaican bauxite with added ferrous sulfate. Tests […]

Effect of Fluoride on Slag

induction slag longitudinal section of ingot furnace

The effect of fluoride inclusions on the properties of titanium produced from the Bureau of Mines developed induction slag melting process is of concern to members of the titanium industry. The objective of the research was to determine the effect of CaF2 inclusions on the properties of titanium and its survival rate during melting. The […]

Corrosion During Ore Grinding

grinding ball mill

Ore grinding is a major cost operation for the mineral processing industry. The U.S. mining industry consumes more than 400,000 st of grinding rods, balls, and mill liners in wet grinding operations at an annual cost of $300 million a significant portion of the milling cost. A section of a commercial ore grinding operation is […]

Mine Waste Tailings Beaching

column flotation test facilities

The Bureau of Mines surveyed waste disposal sites at 18 metal and non-metal mines and conducted laboratory and full-scale field tests to determine the effects of tailings deposition techniques on physical properties of tailings pond beaches. Survey data included measurements of beach slopes, descriptions of deposition techniques, and measurements of beach physical properties taken at […]

Modelling Solvent Extraction of Copper in Ammoniacal Systems

solvent-extraction simplified empirical-based model flow charts

A mathematical modeling method was developed by the Bureau of Mines for the prediction of the principal equilibrium species in the solvent extraction of copper. The use of models for predicting the amount of metal extracted can reduce the amount of experimental work required to characterize a system for purposes such as optimization studies. Models […]

Column Flotation and Bubble Generation

column flotation test facilities

As part of its research program on column flotation, we performed studies on (1) column flotation amenability and comparison with conventional flotation results for over 15 mineral systems, (2) alternative methods for improving column bubble generation systems, (3) mineral behavior within a column, and (4) the effect of changes in column operating parameters on flotation […]

Recovering Lithium from Clays

lithium drum pelletizer

Preliminary Lithium Extraction Tests: In the preliminary McDermitt clay studies, several lithium extraction methods were investigated. Water disaggregation, hydrothermal treatment, acid leach, alkaline roast-water leach, sulfate roast-water leach, and chloride roast-water leach were techniques used in the treatment of both McDermitt A and B clays. Only the higher grade McDermitt B clay was treated by the […]

Electrowinning Tankhouses Air Quality


Electrowinning is an electrochemical operation employing an anode and cathode immersed in an electrolytic solution containing sulfuric acid and aqueous copper sulfate. When direct electrical current passes between the cathode and anode through the electrolyte, very pure metallic copper is deposited on the surface of the cathode. The process is conducted commercially in electrolytic cells […]

Re-agglomeration in Fine Grinding of Coal

fine-grinding scanning electron micrograph

There is a growing interest in the use of fine grinding to produce ultrafine particles for applications such as direct firing of micronized coal. It has been long known that the difficulty of grinding increases dramatically with the fineness of the desired product. To some extent this is a direct consequence of the decrease in […]