Detecting Rubidium and Cesium

field test for cesium and rubidium nature of precipitate formed

A semi-quantitative test for the presence and identification of cesium and rubidium in rocks, clays, and mineral waters has been developed by the Bureau of Mines. The test can be used in the field, as a guide for the prospector, geologist, or mining engineer engaged in location or development work. It comprises two simple spot […]

Limonite Siderite Iron Ore Beneficiation

limonite-siderite iron ores laboratory drum roaster

A laboratory mineral-dressing investigation was conducted by the Federal Bureau of Mines on four limonitic and four sideritic iron ores from the North Basin of the east Texas iron-ore district. The samples, composited from drill cores, were considered representative of the iron-ore reserves of the area. The objectives of this research were twofold: (1) To […]

Goethite Flotation

flotation hallimond tube system

The basic flotation characteristics of goethite were determined by using vacuum flotation, contact angle measurement, and Hallimond tube flotation, and the results have been correlated with information on the electrical condition existing at the goethite-aqueous solution interface. The results have also been used to interpret the batch flotation tests made on an artificial mixture of […]

Electrorefining Chromium

electrorefining chromium schematic drawing of cell

The Federal Bureau of Mines refined chromium from an aqueous electrolytic process in molten sodium chloride-chromium chloride electrolytes. Oxygen and nitrogen contents were reduced by a factor of 10 to 40, but most other impurities were little changed. The product usually contained a little more iron than the feed. Since iron was entering the bath […]

Gasification of Coal Water Slurry

coal-water slurries reactor and accessories for gasification

The results were surprisingly reproducible in view of the complex reactions, and the scatter of data was small. Rank of coal exerted the greatest effect on gasification. Tests with only three ranks of coals do not permit firm conclusions about the effect of rank. However, work in progress reveals the same trend for other ranks […]

Recover Chromite by Flotation

flotation metallurgical balance-2

This report describes an investigation by the Bureau of Mines of flotation techniques for the recovery of chromite from fine-grained disseminated ores. Reported work on the concentration of chromiferous materials shows that flotation has been applied almost exclusively to slime-free pulps. Therefore, chromium recoveries that could be obtained by flotation were related to the amount […]

Extraction of Rare Earth Elements

rare-earth elements electrolytical oxidation apparatus

In separating and purifying rare-earth compounds, ion-exchange and liquid-liquid extraction techniques have exhibited the greatest potential. Of the two, ion exchange has received major attention and has been exploited into commercial operation. Notable research has been reported on solvent extraction techniques, especially in extraction of tetravalent cerium with phosphates and phosphonates. Work along this line […]


leonardite infrared spectra

Leonardite is a coallike substance, similar in structure and composition to lignitic coal and believed to be derived from lignitic coal by the process of natural oxidation. Leonardite is little known outside lignite-producing areas and has been developed commercially only tn a minor extent. The higher oxygen content and less compact structure of leonardite, compared […]

Electrowinning of Ceric Oxide and Cerous Fluoride

reduction-refining-cerium-ingot electrowinning gloved cell

The metallurgical laboratory data developed in this study indicate an improved electrowinning process for producing higher purity cerium ingot. Equipment under development included the molten-bath container or electrolytic cell, electrodes, and related items, as well as an enclosure or cell box resembling that of a vacuum furnace. The cell box is designed to allow molten […]

Testing Method Mine Anchorage Roof Bolts

anchorage-testing detail

Two methods of testing anchorages of headed expansion-type mine roof bolts were investigated by the Federal Bureau of Mines to determine whether they are acceptable for general use. In both methods a load was applied to a tightened bolt with a hydraulic jack. A total of 80 tests, 40 using each method, was conducted in […]