Haulage Truck Bumper Design

haulage trucks extended bumper with modified ladder system

The extended Haulage Truck bumper was developed to provide protection to the operator in the event of a rear-end collision between trucks. This protection is necessary because the outcome of a rear-end collision between trucks often results in the rear-end of the dump body of the forward truck penetrating the cab area of the rearward […]

Turbomilling Comminution of α-SiC Silicon Carbide

turbomilling polymer container

Interest has been increasing in recent years in structural materials that can withstand severe conditions of temperature, pressure and environment, and can substitute for high-temperature alloys that require imported materials such as chromium, cobalt, and nickel. As a result, the utilization of ultrafine, high-purity ceramic powders in advanced and composite ceramics is increasing. Nonoxides such […]

Leaching Method for Recovering Silver & Manganese


In support of its goal of maintaining an adequate supply of minerals to meet national economic and strategic needs, the Bureau of Mines has investigated the feasibility of in situ and heap leaching to recover manganese from low- and medium-grade domestic manganese deposits and to also recover the silver found in some of these manganese […]

Cobalt Flotation Recovery

flotation cleaner concentrate

Cobalt Flotation Studies were conducted on ores from the Viburnum trend in southeast Missouri. The Viburnum trend deposits occur along the flank of the St. Francois Mountains. Ores of the Viburnum trend are characteristically complex mixtures of the sulfide minerals galena, PbS; sphalerite, ZnS; chalcopyrite, CuFeS2; pyrite, FeS2; marcasite, FeS2; and the cobalt-nickel mineral siegenite, […]

Rock Drag Cutting

drag cutting laboratory test bed

The Bureau of Mines, in its continuing efforts to improve productivity and enhance the workplace environment of hard-rock underground mines, has investigated mechanical excavation techniques and in particular drag cutting techniques to achieve these goals. Two fragmentation techniques that use drag cutters have found some success in the mining industry: the kerf-core technique and, the […]

Best Air Sparging System for Column Flotation

column flotation bubble generator system

Objective: Provide a low-maintenance, reliable means of generating bubbles and controlling bubble size for column flotation. Approach: Commercial sparger systems used in flotation columns to process minerals provide only limited means of controlling the size of bubbles generated and the rate of air injection. Generally, these limitations are a detriment to flotation performance, particularly in recovering coarse […]

Water Jet Cutting to Reduce Dust

water-jet sprays on cutting head

Objective: Use water-jet-assisted cutting technology to reduce the exposure of mine workers’ to respirable dust. Approach: Install water-jet-assist on mining machines and evaluate its impact on respirable dust. How it Works Water-jet-assisted cutting involves a mechanical cutting bit working in combination with a moderate pressure (generally up to 10,000 psi) water jet directed just in front of, […]

Cutting Rock by Water Jet

water-jet typical chip formation cycle

The use of water jets to augment mechanical rock cutting has advanced greatly since the discovery a decade ago that water jets diminish the forces acting upon drag bits cutting in strong rock. Other research workers cutting in a wide variety of rock types and with various geometries of bits unanimously confirmed that substantial benefits […]

Monorail Bridge Conveyor System

conveyor monorail bridge maximum angle relationship

The Bureau of Mines has sponsored numerous high-risk research programs over the past decade to improve productivity and health and safety in underground coal mining by advancing state-of-the-art continuous face haulage systems, These systems are designed to move coal nonstop from the continuous miner to the next stage of rail or belt haulage (approximately 500 […]

Zeolite – Natural and Synthetic


Zeolites are crystalline aluminosilicates of the alkaline and alkaline-earth metals. They possess many desirable ion- exchange, molecular sieving, and catalytic properties, which make them valuable mineral commodities. Synthetic zeolites have been used for over 25 yr in commercial processes, but only recently have natural zeolites been viewed as potentially valuable mineral commodities. Because of this […]