Cone Crushers: Types, Benefits, and Applications
Introduction Compared to the gyratory crusher, the cone crusher is characterized by its higher speed and a flat crushing chamber design which is intended to give a high capacity and reduction ratio for materials suitable to this type of processing. The aim is to retain material longer in the crushing chamber to do more work […]
Wood Crib Engineering Method & Design
As voids are created because of the extraction of coal underground, artificial support systems, in addition to roof bolting, often are required to stabilize the mine opening to provide a safe working environment. Various constructions of cribs made from wood timbers are used most often Although these supports are simple in design with a unit […]
Longwall Mining Method and Design
Studies estimate that 156 billion tons of coal, representing 68 pct of the minable reserves in the United States, is subject to multiple-seam mining. Historically, room-and-pillar mining has dominated coal production, and this mining method has been the focus of most multiple-seam research. Advances in Longwall Mining Method have made this system more economically attractive […]
Grouted Rock Bolting Procedure
Since the introduction of rock bolts 40 years ago, their use to support and stabilize openings in U.S. mines has steadily increased. The number of roof falls has been significantly reduced where rock bolts have been installed, and they are now the primary support required by the Mine Safety and Health Administration (MSHA) in most […]
Rhenium Extraction by Leaching in Ammonium Iodide Iodine
Pure rhenium is a refractory metal with a very high melting point of 3180°C. Extraction of rhenium from molybdenite concentrates and other primary sources has been studied for many years. Hydrometallurgical methods using Br2, HNO3, Ca(OH)2, NaOH or Na2CO3 have been investigated. Recently, a new process using halogen salts and ammonium as well as oxygen […]
Acid Leaching Copper Flotation Concentrate
As an alternative to Acid Leaching, Copper Chalcopyrite (CuFeS2) concentrates are processed traditionally by smelting, which results in sulfur dioxide (SO2) emissions. The development of a hydrometallurgical process for recovery of metals from concentrates of Cu ores offers industry a low-cost, low-pollution alternative to the traditional pyrometallurgical practices. The hydrometallurgical leaching of chalcopyrite with acid […]
Large Melting Furnace – City Waste
The most widely applied method for the disposal of waste materials, including sludges, dusts, scales, leachable slags from smelting or melting operations, and residues from the combustion of organic materials including municipal wastes, is to inter the materials in an appropriate landfill. Small quantities of some wastes are encapsulated within Portland cement or sulfur, and […]
Recover Neodymium from Permanent Scrap Magnet
Develop hydrometallurgical or pyrometallurgical recycling methods to recover valuable rare-earth compounds from various forms of NdFeB magnet scrap. The U.S. Bureau of Mines (USBM) has developed technology to treat and recycle a variety of wastes containing valuable and strategic metals. As part of this effort, the USBM developed a process to separate neodymium and other […]
How to Make Graphite Flakes from Steel Waste
Develop a technology for producing high-quality flake graphite from the steelmaking waste known as kish. Approach: Treat the waste kish as an ore and apply mineral processing techniques of physical beneficiation and chemical purification to produce a range of graphite products competitive with the natural mineral. Graphite is a naturally occurring form of carbon with a […]
Cone Crusher
From the discussion so far it is obvious that two energy factors determine a crusher’s productivity: (1) Total power drawn affects the quantity produced of any given size or range of sizes. (2) The energy applied, previously defined as the crusher’s Power Rate (kilowatt-hours per ton of feed) will determine the size reduction. This has […]