Motor Crusher

Are you looking for a motor crusher or a crusher motor? This difference is significant. The first is if you want to crush motors, while the second is in case you are looking for a motor to power up a crusher. Here is the answer to either option: For crusher motor, you can go to […]

Hydraulic Riffles VS Hungarian Riffles

In-depth research on gold recovery in the Yukon conducted in 1990 by Randy Clarkson concluded that the “reliability, inexpensiveness and operating simplicity of sluice-boxes are hard to beat”. The same still applies, although sluice design has progressed since. Author: Jonas Boehnke Shop for a Gold Wash Plant with Hydraulic Riffles here Water injection into the […]

Holman Table – Operating & Maintenance Manual

Safety Lift Table unit using minimum 1.5 tonnes lifting equipment Use marked balanced lifting points Ensure drive is isolated before guard removal Ensure unit is firmly fixed to level floor before operation, and all support steelwork is fully tightened Ensure drive is OIL filled to correct level (level plug on back of casing) prior to […]

How does a Rock Crusher Work – Jaw Crusher

Jaw crushers include Superior, Type “B” Blake, Fine-Reduction, and Dodge — sizes, 4 by 6 to 84 by 66 inches. A reciprocating machine, the crushes material in a straight line between jaws — without grinding or rubbing surfaces. LOWER CRUSHING COSTS As you compare this jaw crusher feature for feature with other makes you’ll see […]

Rock Crusher for Gold

As it is malleable, no crusher can crush gold but, all rock crushers can crush rock with gold minerals in it. Small gold prospectors are generally the ones looking for such crushers. Here is my Top 5 List of Best Rock Crushers for Gold liberation and recovery: #1 Model 911MPE JAC12H This is the smallest […]


Vibratory feeders are used in gravimetric feeding systems to handle solids with particles that are loo large to be handled by screw, rotary-vane, or vertical-gate feeders, or in operations where the physical characteristics of the solid particles would be adversely affected by passage through these volumetric feeding devices. The discharge flow pattern of a vibrating […]


Belt conveyors used to transport minerals are to be found all around the world in a large number of surface and underground mining operations. The idea of using the conveyor belt is not new, indeed, the first bell conveyors were introduced at the end of the nineteenth century; the basic principles of operation have not […]

Descriptions of Steel & Alloys Compositions

We like to inform you with the composition of the different steels and other materials used in the manufacturing of grinding barrels to help you choose the most suitable ones for your operations. Alloy 2: This steel is recommended in applications where molybdenum interferes in the analysis of the material that will be ground as […]

Riffle Sample Splitters

Stainless steel construction SEALED RIFFLE SAMPLE DIVIDER A riffle splitter with a hopper a feed gate at the bottom of the hopper is called a precision splitter. By eliminating the potential bias resulting from differing pouring motions, a increased accuracy of up to 1% is achieved. This simple sample riffle is made of stainless steel. […]