High Efficiency Desliming Cyclone
Ordinarily slimes have been classified as ranging from 75 microns, or 200 mesh, down to colloidal dimensions of less than one micron. At the same time there is general agreement that the most troublesome slimes are primarily clays, silts and extreme fines, so that the actual top size may be placed at approximately 30 to […]
Extractive Metallurgy of Aluminum
Metallic aluminum is not found in nature, but the oxides, hydroxides, and especially the silicates are plentiful. The estimated percentage of aluminum in the crust of the earth is about 8 pct while that of iron is about 5 pct. By far the larger portion of this is combined with silica in the form of […]
Geology Silver Lead Zinc Deposits
The Avalos unit of the Compania Minera de Penoles, S. A., operates the Alicante, Bonanza, Providencia, Albarradon, San Eligio, Nazareno, Leona, Salaverna, and Santiago mines situated between Avalos rail-road station and Concepcion del Oro on the Coahuila and Zacatecas railroad in the State of Zacatecas, Mexico. Some of these mines are within Penoles property while […]
Effect Starch on Quartz and Hematite Suspensions
During the course of an investigation of the effects of various starch products on hematite and quartz in regard to their separation by flotation, it was found that whereas most starches flocculated suspensions of hematite in water, they did not flocculate similar suspensions of quartz. However, a derivative of whole corn starch containing approximately one […]
How to Remove Silver from Lead Bullion
In 1947 the author became interested in the fundamental aspects of the desilverizing of lead by zinc, conducted some experimental work, and searched the technical literature for all available fundamental data. Since then a revival of interest in the subject in Europe resulted in the appearance of quite a number of papers. It became evident […]
How to Control Dust in Crushing Plant
In 1947 an Industrial Hygiene Department was organized to represent and assist the four western mining divisions in industrial hygiene problems. Department headquarters are located at the Utah Copper Division, Magna Plant, Magna, Utah, with a branch office at the Chino Mines Division, Hurley, N. M. The headquarters staff includes a director, a department secretary, […]
Screening Equipment
Sizing is the process of separating mixed particles into groups of particles all of the same size, or into groups in which all particles range between certain definite maximum and minimum sizes. In coal preparation, sizing is generally accomplished by passing the coal over screens. Separation by differential settling in air or water currents has […]
Pegmatites Geology
Granitic pegmatite deposits are the chief source of commercial feldspar, sheet mica, beryllium, tantalum-columbium, and lithium minerals, and certain types of kaolin. They also have yielded significant quantities of cassiterite, gems, scrap mica, molybdenite, tungsten minerals, uranium-thorium and rare-earth minerals, and zircon, either directly or as the sources of placer deposits. The output from […]
Sand and Gravel Jig
In general, the beneficiation of sand and gravel consists of the removal of certain low specific gravity deleterious particles from the sand and gravel. These particles are coal, lignite, ochre, chert, sandstone, wood, clay, shale, and chalk. These deleterious materials almost always have an apparent specific gravity which is less than 2.35 while good sand […]
Lightweight Aggregates
Lightweight aggregates have been in use for many years in the United States but are now receiving more and more attention by manufacturers and users of concrete shapes. These shapes comprise building blocks, special forms, such as door sills, lintels, floor slabs, and beams. Lightweight aggregate also is adapted for monolithic construction. The increased building […]