Equipotential Prospecting – Circular Line Electrode
Sphalerite, the ore mineral in this area, occurs with a considerable amount of marcasite. In general the higher the percentage of sphalerite in the ore, the higher the percentage of marcasite; however, there may be mineralized zones high in marcasite but low in sphalerite. Orebodies in general are relatively narrow and elongated. The point surface […]
Increase Rotary Kiln Efficiency by Refractory Design
Among the many factors involved in rotary kiln efficiency, advantageous use of refractories is of major importance. So far as kiln lining alone is concerned durability is most significant, as shutdowns for repairs are costly in fuel consumption and production losses. Aside from selection of refractories best suited to the widely varying conditions under which […]
Measure Heavy Slurry Density
In the mineral industry measurement of density or specific gravity of slurries is often necessary or highly desirable. To date the most successful method of measuring the specific gravity of various media is to hand weigh a constant volume sample of the slurry. This method is time-consuming, however, and is intermittent rather than continuous. Most […]
Laboratory Recovery of an Oxidized Lead Mineral
For several years work has been carried on by the U.S. Bureau of Mines at Rolla, Mo., to develop improved methods of concentrating the oxidized ores of lead and zinc. Various samples have been investigated, and results on some have been published. Preliminary Examination: The sample on which the following experimental work was conducted consisted […]
Hydrometallurgy of Copper-Zinc Concentrates
A Survey of the Japanese chemical industry in 1949 revealed, among other things, that sulphur-bearing blast furnace gas from the Kosaka smelter of The Dowa Mining Co. Ltd., Kosaka, Japan, was being exhausted to the atmosphere as waste. This evaluation revealed a relatively new type of roaster, the Dorrco FluoSolids reactor, which was reported to […]
Flowsheets Types Uses
To those working in the mineral industry, the flowsheet is a familiar and valuable tool, seldom used, unfortunately, to its fullest advantage. As with so many other commonplace and simple items, there is little or no attempt to expand on the forms and types of flowsheets. A flowsheet or flow diagram may be defined as […]
Refining of Nickel Copper Cobalt Mattes by Pressure Leaching and Hydrogen Reduction
The paper is based on laboratory and pilot plant investigations which led to the development of a series of processes for production of high purity metals from nickel-copper-cobalt mattes of a wide range of opposition. Matte Refining The application of these processes to the refining of mixed base metal mattes is governed by several factors, […]
Aggregates Classification Methods
Modern concrete technology emphasizes the basic qualities required of an acceptable aggregate: it must be clean, sound, homogeneous, and of a size gradation resulting in a concrete of the desired physical qualities at a minimum cost. In the case of coarse aggregates, crushing, scrubbing, and screening will usually provide the required material, although beneficiation is […]
Coke Productivity from Coal Charge Characteristics
In considering the use of a coal or a coal blend for the production of metallurgical coke, the fact is often overlooked that laboratory data can be most effectively used to determine coke plant operating conditions conducive to maximum output as well as to predict the quality of coke produced. The basic property of any […]
Solving Flocculation Problems
This is the case history of how two nearby plants in Southwest Virginia solved their water clarification problems. While the solutions should not be considered applicable industry-wide, the methods used in arriving at the answers deserve, consideration. As the plant tonnage increased, it became evident that the amount of coal fines produced in the mining […]