Mine Ventilation EXAMPLE

mine ventilation

The Copper Queen mine is composed of seven divisions which are operated through the following shafts: The workings of the different shafts are connected by motor-haulage drifts on the even numbered levels. The general location of the orebodies and workings is illustrated by the vertical projection of orebodies of the district as shown in Fig. […]

Mine Roof Stresses & Support


The stresses, in the simplest structures are often those we find most difficult to analyze. The most complex condition in mine stresses is found in simple tunnels where the roof, the sides, and the floor are a monolith. The functions of the parts are like the parts themselves not distinct and specialized, and the problems […]

Solvent Extraction Equipment & Design Parameter


Parameters Provided by DPG Research & Development Division Once the process route and correct Solvent Extraction Equipment type have been decided, the following are the basic design parameters that R & D can provide: Reagent and Diluent choice and composition. The composition of the organic phase and of the aqueous input streams enable the isotherm […]


While assaying some copper carbonate ore from the Frazer claims, Similakameen, B. C., I noticed that on parting the gold button a deep orange solution was formed. The button gave off pink bands in the nitric acid, which became deep orange at a short distance from it; and as it traveled over the surface of […]