Water Quality for Cannabis Greenhouses

Water Quality for Cannabis Greenhouses - 911Metallurgist

Off the radar grow-ups have a history of being just that “off the radar”, low key often clandestine operations without much regulations or standards. When medicinal cannabis became legal in Canada in 2016 and recreational use in 2018 it brought about regulations and standards that were unheard of, while marijuana strains were always discussed, the […]

Perfluorinatedalkyl substances (PFAS) from Solid Matrices

Perfluorinatedalkyl substances (PFAS) from Solid Matrices - 911Metallurgist

Recent studies suggest that toxic and highly persistent poly-and perfluorinatedalkyl substances (PFAS) are much more prevalent in tissue and soil than in water. The increasing length of perfluoroalkyl chain in PFAS is correlated strongly to lower solubility/higher adsorption behaviour of a particular PFAS molecule in the environment. This poses a significant challenge to developing analytical […]

Acid Coal Mine Drainage

Acid Coal Mine Drainage - 911Metallurgist

Drainage of acid mine water into surface streams of coal mining areas is one of the most serious problems of stream pollution, since there is no known method that completely prevents its forming and no economically feasible treatment after it has formed. The mine acid problem differs from other pollution hazards because acid production does […]

National Instruments NI 43-101 Technical Reports

National Instrument (NI) 43-101 is a Canadian mineral resource classification system used to guide the disclosure of information related to mineral properties. Any company, foreign or domestic that lists on stock exchanges overseen by the Canadian Securities Administration (CSA) are required to abide by the NI 43-101 rules and guidelines for distributing information related to […]

Methods For Recycling Outdated Electronic Equipment

electronic waste recycling methods for recycling

Electronic Waste Recycling An Overview Like most mining ventures under taken by amateurs, processing e-waste can be a quick way to loss all your money. It seems easy, there is a lot of e-waste available with no real pathway for recycling beyond the existing scrap yards. There is a growing trend of people entering this […]

Placer Gold Analyzer XRF

placer gold xrf analyzer analysis method

HiGrade DPI is a novel analysis method for placer gold that relies on the distinct color of gold. Analyse surface or drill samples from a placer claim . Determine the gold grade and properties. Produce instant printable reports for each sampling location of the claim. The pan concentrate is placed on a specially designed sample […]

Merrill Crowe Laboratory Testing Procedure

Efficient Merrill Crowe precipitation of gold and silver is dependent upon the proper control of certain physical and chemical properties of the solution. The most important of these properties are listed below: Suspended solids: such as ore slime and precipitates of calcium carbonate, with hydrates of aluminum, magnesium and iron, present in the pregnant solution […]

Call For Contributors To Canadian Milling Practice 2020

canadian mineral processor

It is with great excitement that we announce the forthcoming release of Canadian Milling Practice 2020. This much anticipated volume will follow the tradition established in 1957 with the release of “The Milling of Canadian Ores”, followed by “Milling Practice in Canada” in 1978, and “Canadian Milling Practice” in the year 2000. The new edition, […]

How to Fast Track Construction a Mining Project

how to fast track to construction a mining project

The construction schedule is a very important part of any complex construction project. If used properly it can alert the construction manager to a variety of problems including ability to complete the project on schedule, overtime construction required to keep on schedule, increase in construction personnel, impact of late equipment arrival, impact of detail engineering […]

Column Flotation Parameters

column-flotation bubble generator

Investigation of coarse bubble column flotation resulted in identification of four distinct beneficiation zones of a flotation column. Comparison of average normalised percent mineral upgrading per foot values (zkn) indicated the relative degree to which these zones contribute to overall column mineral grades and recoveries. The pulp-froth interfacial zone produced the most critical Zkn values […]