Calculate/Estimate how much flotation retention time a given cell size/volume gives you. Master Model Model Input Model Output Dry tonnes per day Estimated total flotation volume (m3) Desired flotation time (min) Number of flotation cells Desired conditioning time (min) Total conditioner volume required (m3) Pulp %solids by weight Ore specific gravity 3.1 manual input from model A Volume Conversion Pulp specific gravity manual input from model B ft3 m3 L Volume of a float cell (m3) Volume of a float cell (ft3) Volume of a float cell (L) Model A Ore specific gravity Place a known weight of dried ore into a graduate cylinder containing known volume of water Model Input ore weight, grams volume increase, ml Ore specific gravity Model B Pulp specific gravity Model Input Ore specific gravity Tonnage Conversion Pulp %solids by weight TPD Pulp specific gravity TPH Kg/Hr Flotation Cell & Conditioner Capacities/Volume Calculator Disclaimer -