| | |
Ore Work Index, kWh(net) /metric ton | | Based on Net Power Available. |
Feed Size, F80, microns | | |
Product Size, P80, microns | | |
ENTER YOUR Design Throughput, ton/hr | | |
| | |
Specific Energy, kWh/ton | | Obtained from Bond's Third Law of Comminution |
Net Power Requirement, kW | | |
Number of Mills for the Task | | |
Net kW / Mill | | Available Net Power per Mill. |
| | |
Eff. Diameter (ft) | | Mill Diameter, inside liners. |
Eff. Length (ft) | | Effective Grinding Lenght. |
Mill Speed % Critical | | Rotational Mill Speed, expressed as a percentage of the critical centrifugation speed of the mill. |
Mill rpm | | |
L/D | | Effective Length to Diameter Ratio. |
% Solids in the Mill | | |
Ore Density, ton/m3 | | |
Slurry Density, ton/m3 | | |
Balls Density, ton/m3 | | |
Charge % Filling | | A) |
Balls % Filling | | B) |
Interstitial Slurry Filling,% | | C) |
Lift Angle, (°) | | D) |
| | |
Power Oversize, % | | Desired value, using Tools / Goal Seek, changing Cellin Purple |
| | |
| Power, kW | |
Balls | | Fraction of the Total Mill Power Draw contributed by the Ball Charge. |
Overfilling | | Fraction of the Total Mill Power Draw contributed by the Overfilling Slurry on top of the "kidney". |
Slurry | | Fraction of the Total Mill Power Draw contributed by the Interstitial Slurry in the ball charge. |
Net Total | | "Tune this" to the known installed Power/Mill value by properly adjusting the Cells in Gray |
% Losses | | |
Gross Total | | |
| | |
| Mill Charge Weight, tons | |
Apparent Density ton/m3 | | Corresponds to the ratio between the Total Charge Weight and its Apparent Volume (including interstitial voids). |
Charge Volume m3 | | |
Ball Charge | | |
Slurry Interstitial | | |
Slurry above Balls | | |
| | |
| HYDROCYCLONES CLUSTER : (Preliminary Sizing) | |
# Cyclones/Mill | | |
Cyclone Diameter (in) | | |
Cyclone Feed %Solids | |
Circuit %Circulating Load | |
Ton/Hr/Cyclone | |
m3/Hr/Cyclone | |
Cyc PSI | | |
Estimation based on FLSmith (Krebs) Capacity Correlation. Ideally, design value should not exceed 13 psi. If higher, increase # of Cyclones or Cyclone Diameter. |
Mill Feed (incl. Recycle) | | Flow Number |
ton/hr | m3/hr | FLOW NUMBER: |
| | |
Direct Circuit: | | Keep < 4 to assure sufficient slurry transport capacity of the mill. |
| | |
Reverse Circuit: | | Keep < 4 to assure sufficient slurry transport capacity of the mill. |
| | |
| | |
| Disclaimer | |
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