SITUATION Ore Work Index, kWh (net)/metric ton Based on Net Power Available. Feed Size, F80, microns Product Size, P80, microns Total Plant Throughput, ton/hr Specific Energy, kWh/ton Obtained from Bond's Third Law of Comminution Net Power Available, kW Number of Mills Used Net kW / Mill Available Net Power/Mill (Copied from the other Blue Cell) MILL DIMENSIONS AND OPERATING CONDITIONS : Eff. Diameter (ft) Mill Diameter, inside liners. Eff. Length (ft) Effective Grinding Lenght. Mill Speed % Critical Rotational Mill Speed, expressed as a percentage of the critical centrifugation speed of the mill. Mill rpm L/D Effective Length to Diameter Ratio. % Solids in the Mill Ore Density, ton/m3 Slurry Density, ton/m3 Balls Density, ton/m3 Charge % Filling A) Balls % Filling B) Interstitial Slurry Filling,% C) Lift Angle, (°) D) Mill Charge Weight, tons Apparent Density ton/m3 Corresponds to the ratio between the Total Charge Weight and its Apparent Volume (including interstitial voids). Charge Volume m3 Ball Charge Slurry Interstitial Slurry above Balls Mill Power, kW KiloWatts Balls Fraction of the Total Mill Power Draw contributed by the Ball Charge. Overfilling Fraction of the Total Mill Power Draw contributed by the Overfilling Slurry on top of the "kidney". Slurry Fraction of the Total Mill Power Draw contributed by the Interstitial Slurry in the ball charge. Net Total "Tune this" to the known installed Power/Mill value by properly adjusting the Cells in Gray % Losses Gross Total Mill Draw (kW) Disclaimer -