Engineering Symbols

The Committee on Technical Nomenclature, of which John T. Faig, Professor of Mechanical Engineering at the University of Cincinnati, is Chairman, appointed by the Society for the Promotion of Engineering Education, has recently issued a report advocating uniformity in the use of symbols to designate engineering and mathematical terms: The selection of the symbols was based upon a canvas of a considerable number of engineers, editors of engineering papers, and professors of engineering throughout the United States.

The list, as finally accepted by the Committee and recommended for universal adoption, is as follows:


Previous lists of symbols have not secured wide acceptance in this country; some that have been proposed by prominent writers are familiar to very few engineers. The above list is presented in the hope that it will assist in the evolution of a standard list. It is short; it contains no Greek letters; it is mnemonic to a considerable degree, though not by intention. It deals largely with mechanics because that branch is common to all the divisions of engineering.