Gold Parting Process

The thin sheet of metal is dropped into hot dilute nitric acid and boiled for five or six minutes after the brisk action of the acid on the metal has ceased. At this stage nearly all the silver has gone into solution as nitrate of silver and the acid is charged with this salt. This acid is poured off and the residual metal is again boiled for from 20 to 30 minutes with a second lot of stronger acid. This leaves the gold almost pure, though it may still retain from .05 to .1 per cent, of silver. Treatment with the first acid only would probably leave three or four times as much.

The nitric add used should be free from hydrochloric, sulphuric, iodic and telluric acids. In testing it for the first of these add nitrate of silver and dilute with distilled water; there should be no turbidity. In testing for the others evaporate three lots in dishes over a water-bath. Test one for sulphates by adding water and barium chloride. Test another for iodates by taking up with a little water, adding a few drops of starch paste and then dilute sulphurous acid solution a little at a time; there should be no blue colour. Test the third for tellurium by heating with 1 c.c. of strong sulphuric acid until dense fumes come off; allow to cool considerably; a piece of tin foil added to the warm acid develops a fine purple colour if only a trace of tellurium is present.

The presence of lower oxides of nitrogen, which impart a brown colour to the acid, is objectionable; they, however, are removed by boiling the diluted acid before using it for parting. It is usual to keep a stock of the acid suitably diluted to the two strengths required for the parting. These are known as the parting acids. The first farting add is the weaker and is used in the first attack on the metal. The specific gravity generally recommended for it is about 1.2. It may be prepared either by diluting the strong acid with about its own volume of distilled water, or by suitably diluting the second parting acid which has been already used in an assay; the small proportion of silver this contains is not harmful for this purpose. The second parting acid has a specific gravity of about 1.3, and may be made by diluting the
strong acid with half its volume of distilled water.

Parting in Flasks

Flasks are most convenient for the larger partings, as in bullion assays; and should always be used for this purpose unless some of the special parting apparatus, like that used in Mints, is available. Many assayers use flasks, though of a smaller size, for the ordinary partings in assaying gold ores. The flasks are either bulbs with long necks (Fig. 46) which ought to be heated on rose burners of special construction; or they are small flat-bottomed conical flasks which may be conveniently heated on a hot-plate and are, in this respect, much easier to deal with in general work. The following instructions apply to the parting of an alloy containing a few decigrams of gold together with the proper proportion of silver.


The strip from the rolls, after being softened by annealing, is folded on itself on a glass rod into a roll or cornet. It should be so plastic that it will retain the shape thus given it and not spring open on removing the pressure of the fingers. About 50 c.c. of the first parting acid are placed in a 6-ounce conical flask and heated to boiling; the flask is then withdrawn, and tilted a little to one side, whilst the cornet is cautiously dropped into it; there will be a sudden issue of hot vapours and a prompt withdrawal of the hand is advisable. The flask is replaced on the hot plate and the acid is kept boiling for 10 or 15 minutes. The flask is then withdrawn and the acid diluted with about an equal volume of distilled water. If the flask has a thick glass band around its neck, a little way down, care must be taken to use hot water, for any sudden chill will certainly crack the flask where it is thus thickened. The liquor is carefully decanted into a clean beaker and is then thrown into a jar marked “ waste silver.” About 40 c.c. of the second parting acid, heated to boiling, is then poured into the flask, which is then replaced on the hot plate. The boiling is continued for 15 or 20 minutes or even longer. At this stage bumping has to be specially guarded against; after a little experience it is easy to see when this is imminent and the flask should be withdrawn to a cooler part of the plate ; it is better to prolong the heating at a temperature below boiling than to run the risk of disaster. Some of the older writers, however, are rather insistent on vigorous boiling with large bubbles. The addition of a small ball of well-burnt clay of about the size of a pea has been recommended, as it lessens the tendency to irregular and dangerous boiling. At the; end of the treatment with the second acid the flask is withdrawn from the plate and the acid is diluted with an equal volume of distilled water. The liquor is carefully decanted into a beaker, and then poured into a jar or Winchester marked “ acid waste ”; it serves for making the first parting acid. The flask is then washed twice with hot distilled water; the washings must be carefully decanted from the gold. The flask is then filled with water. A parting cup (size B) is then placed over its mouth, like a thimble on the tip of a finger. This cup is of unglazed porous earthenware of such texture that it absorbs the last few drops of water left on drying; and with a surface to which the gold does not adhere even on ignition. The gold should fall out cleanly and completely on merely inverting the cup over the pan of the balance. The flask and cup are then inverted so that the flask stands mouth down in the cup; a little of the water from the flask flows into the cup, but only a little. The gold falls steadily through the water into the cup. When time has been allowed for even the finest of the gold to have settled into the cup, the flask is removed. This is easiest done under water. The cup, with the flask still resting in it, is dipped under water in a basin; as soon as the neck of the flask is immersed the crucible can safely be drawn away from under it and then lifted out of the water. The flask should not be taken away first, for the rush of water from it may easily sweep the gold out of the cup. The water in the cup is then drained off and the cup is dried at not too high a temperature; for if the last drop or two of water should boil there is danger of spattering the gold out of the crucible. When it is dry, the cup is heated on a pipe-clay triangle over a Bunsen burner, or on a slab of asbestos in a muffle, to a dull-red heat. This brings the gold to “ colour that is, the loose tender dark coloured gold becomes bright yellow and coherent; and is in a state fit to be transferred to the balance and weighed. All unnecessary transferences must be avoided. As soon as the cup is cool it may be inverted over the pan of the balance, when the gold will fall out cleanly or, at the worst, a gentle tap with the finger will be sufficient to detach it.

Parting in test-tubes, or in the smaller conical flasks, is used in the assay of gold ores of ordinary richness. The work is exactly like that just described in all its main features. Generally speaking much less acid will be used; for example, in test-tubes and for small buttons, 3 or 4 c.c of each acid is quite enough. Again, the action need not be so prolonged; 10 or 15 minutes in each acid is sufficient. So, too, the heating may be less; it is very convenient to support the test-tubes in a water-bath, or merely to rest them in a beaker of boiling water; and there is no serious objection to doing this. A smaller parting cup should be used; the A size is suitable. The button, on the other hand, should be beaten thinner than is needed for the larger partings. If the silver should be in excess and the gold becomes much broken up, ample time should be given for subsidence from the test-tube or flask into the parting cup.

Parting in glazed crucibles or dishes

This method of working has the advantage that there is no transference of the gold until it is placed on the pan of the balance. On the other hand, in the boiling more care is required in adjusting the temperature. The following instructions apply to the treatment of very small buttons, to which the method is more particularly applicable; but very little modification is needed for the treatment of larger buttons. The smallest sized Berlin crucibles answer admirably. They should be cleaned by treatment with hot and strong sulphuric acid, followed by washing in distilled water; the comfort and ease of working mainly depends on the thoroughness of this cleaning. The crucible, one-third full with the first parting acid, is heated on the hot plate until the acid is almost boiling. The flattened and annealed button is dropped into it and the heating continued with, at most, gentle boiling for a few minutes. The crucible is then filled with distilled water, which cools it enough for easy handling; and when the gold has settled the liquor is poured off along a glass rod into a clean beaker. Any greasiness of the crucible makes itself felt here and is very objectionable. The crucible is then one-third filled with the second parting acid and the heating resumed, care being taken not to raise the temperature too high; this should be continued much longer than before, say for five or ten minutes or even longer according to the size of the button. Distilled water is again added and, when it is drained off, the washing with distilled water is twice repeated. It will not be possible to drain off the last drop of water ; but if the gold is coherent, the crucible can be so inclined that this drop drains away from the gold, in which case the drying can be done rapidly; the boiling of the water will do no harm. But when the gold is much broken up, it will collect in the middle of this drop and the drying must be done gently; best by putting the crucible in a warm place. When dry, the crucible is heated till the gold changes colour, but the heat must be kept well below redness. When cold, the gold is transferred directly to the pan of the balance. With minute specks of gold which will require measuring, it is best to put a small piece of lead foil (say .1 gram) in the crucible over the gold, and then heat the crucible to above redness over a blowpipes. Whilst the lead is oxidising it is easily swept round in a bath of molten litharge by merely tilting the crucible. In this way any separated specks of gold can be taken up with certainty. When the worker is satisfied that the lead has had ample opportunity for taking up the gold, the lead must be kept in one place and the heat slowly lowered. By this means the button becomes supported in comparatively pure litharge and when solid can be picked out quite easily with a pair of pliers and in a very clean condition. The lead button is then cupelled on a very fine cupel, as already described. The method of working last described destroys the crucible. If the gold is not quite so small this may be avoided. A small piece of lead foil should be hammered out until it is perfectly flexible. It is then shaped into a tray and the gold is transferred to it. The lead is then folded over, with the help of two pins; and cupelled.

If the crucible shows a black stain on heating it is because some silver remains through bad washing. It shows poor work and the assay should be repeated.

The silver retained in the gold after farting is, in bullion assays, an important matter ; it is roughly “equal to the loss of gold due to absorption by the cupel. Mr. Lowe working on .5 oz. of gold, obtained by parting in assaying bullion, found it to contain .123 per cent, of silver. Dr. Rose in some special assay pieces found by a less direct method of assaying, from .06 to .09 per cent, of silver. The proportion of silver retained varies in a marked way with the proportion of gold to silver in the alloy before parting. It is generally stated that the retained silver is least when this proportion is 1 to 2½, and more or less silver than this leads to a less pure gold after parting.

Platinum in an alloy being parted is dissolved along with the silver either altogether or in part. It imparts a straw yellow colour to the parting acid. Palladium gives an orange colour to the acid.

The loss of gold by solution in the add during parting is small, but easily demonstrable. On a 500-milligram charge of bullion it may amount to from .05 to .15 milligram; i.e. from .01 to .03 per cent. It is due to gold actually dissolved and not merely held in suspension.

Assaying with checks – Surcharge

It will be seen from what has been stated that the errors in gold parting are of two kinds : viz. (1) a loss of gold on the cupel and to a less extent by solution in the acid, and (2) an apparent gain of gold due to the retention of silver in the parted material. Both errors are small, and as they are of an opposite character they tend to neutralise each other. Hence they are altogether without effect on the accuracy of the assays of ores when the total gold is reckoned in milligrams. And even with the larger amounts present in bullion assays their influence is so small that an uncorrected result is still fairly accurate; the resultant error would not be more than one part in two or three thousand.

It is customary to report the purity of bullion, or its fineness as it is called, in parts per thousand of bullion. The sum of the errors of an assay, which is called the surcharge, is reported in the same way. Thus a surcharge of + .3 means that the gold as weighed was .3 part per 1000 more than the gold actually present. But a surcharge -.3 means that on the whole there was a loss of .3 part per 1000 in the assay.

Speaking roughly the retained silver will vary with the weight of gold present; if one alloy contains twice as much gold as another the retained silver will be about twice as much also. On the other hand, as already explained, the cupellation loss on the poorer alloy is as much as, or even more than, with the richer one, because of the copper, &c. present. With rich gold alloys the silver more than compensates for the loss and the surcharge is positive ; but with poorer alloys the loss is greater and the surcharge is negative.

In Mints and places where bullion assays must be made with the highest attainable accuracy, the surcharge is determined by experiment, and the proper correction is made in the reports on the bullion. This is done by making assays of gold of the highest degree of purity alongside of those of the bullion whose quality has to be determined. These “ checks ” are so made that they do not differ from the actual assays in any material point. Thus, being of the same quality and weight and undergoing exactly the same treatment, they may reasonably be expected to have the same surcharge as the assays they imitate. Suppose the bullion being assayed varies only a little, up or down, from 900 gold and 100 copper in the thousand, and that .5 gram of it is used in each assay. A quantity of gold differing only a little from .450 gram would be very exactly weighed and placed with .050 gram of copper in the same weight of lead as is being used in the other assays. It would be cupelled, parted, &c., as nearly as possible under the same conditions as the actual assays. Suppose the pure gold weighed .45016 gram and the parted gold weighed .45025 gram, the gain in weight, .00009 gram, would be deducted from the actual assays. A surcharge correction is never applied except to bullion of the same quality as that represented by the “ check assay ” it was calculated from.

It is evident that unless the gold is of the highest degree of purity these check assays will introduce an error almost equal to that which it is designed to remedy. Moreover, to work the checks to the greatest advantage, a very systematic and uniform method of working must be adopted.

Parting in special apparatus

One plan for obtaining greater uniformity is to stamp each cornet with, a number for purposes of identification, and to treat several, including one or more check assays in the same acid contained in a beaker; all the assays under these conditions evidently receive precisely the same acid treatment. Such a plan can of course only be adopted where there is no risk of the gold breaking up during the parting. An improvement on this is to have a porcelain basin about 8½ inches in diameter and with a capacity of about 1½ litres. It is provided with a porcelain cover with 30 numbered holes through which tubes dip into the acid. The cover is removable. The tubes are like test-tubes and are supported by the cover; their bottoms are perforated with holes or slits. The acid is placed in the basin and boiled over a flat burner; it enters the tubes through the slits. The cornets are placed each in its proper tube. When the boiling is finished, the cover with the tubes is lifted and at the same time the acid drains back into the basin. A dip into a basin of distilled water washes at one operation all 30 assays. The cover is then put on a basin containing the stronger parting acid which is already boiling. This boiling is continued for half an hour. The cover with the 30 cornets is then lifted out from the acid and dipped two or three times in distilled water to wash off the last traces of acid. To transfer the cornets from the tubes to the porous cups the whole of the tube must be dipped under the water; otherwise the operation is exactly as when working with test-tubes.

A still simpler method of working is to use small platinum cups provided with fine slits which admit the acid but retain the gold. A number of these, say 60, are supported on a platinum tray. The parting acids are boiled in platinum dishes under a hood; and the 60 cornets (each in its proper cup) are placed in the acid all at once: the tray carrying the cups is provided with a handle suitable for this purpose. After a proper boiling the tray is lifted out of the weaker acid into the stronger one, where it undergoes the second boiling. It is next dipped several times in distilled water and lastly, after a gentle drying, it is raised to an annealing temperature which must not be too high for fear of the gold sticking to the platinum. After cooling, the cornets are transferred from the platinum cups directly to the pan of the balance. Here all 60 cornets have exactly the same treatment and the “ checks ” may be compared with great exactness with the other assays accompanying them. There is, too, a great saving of labour.

Silver in gold bullion

The base metals are generally determined by cupelling .5 gram of the alloy with 5 grams of lead. The loss in cupellation having been allowed for by any of the usual methods (see p. 104) the gold and silver contents are given. By deducting the gold the proportion of silver is obtained. The silver is generally determined by difference in this way. If it is desired to dissolve out the copper, silver, &c., and to determine them in the wet way, the gold must first be alloyed with a sufficiency of some other metal to render it amenable to the attack by acid. Cadmium is the metal generally recommended, and the alloy is made by melting together a weighed portion of the gold with five or six times its weight of cadmium in a Berlin crucible and under a thin layer of potassium cyanide.