Determine Gold Content By the Microscope

The use of the microscope also is a real advantage in estimating the weights of minute buttons of gold where there is no undue risk in sampling, and where an error of say 1 in 20 on the quantity of gold is tolerable. For ores with copper, lead, zinc, &c., as well as for tailings rather poor in gold, this leaves a wide field of usefulness. The method is described on page 440, but the description needs supplementing for those who are not accustomed to the use of a microscope. The eye-piece of a microscope (fig. 44a, A) unscrews at a, showing a diaphragm at b, which will serve as a support for an eye-piece micrometer. This last, B, is a scale engraved on glass, and may be purchased of any optical instrument maker, though it may be necessary to send the eye-piece to have it properly fitted. When resting on the diaphragm it is in focus for the upper lens, so that on looking through the microscope, the scale is clearly seen in whatever position the instrument may be as regards the object being looked at. Suppose this to be a small button of gold on a shallow, flat watch-glass, on the stage of the microscope. Bring the button under the “ objective ” (i.e., the nose of the microscope), which should be about a quarter of an inch above the watch-glass; then looking through the instrument, raise the tube until the button of gold, or at least some dust on the glass, comes into focus. If the button is not in the field, rest the thumbs and index fingers, using both hands, on the edge of the watch-glass, pressing lightly but steadily, and give the glass a slow, short, sweeping motion ; the button will perhaps appear as an ill-defined blackness, because not quite in focus. Bring this into the centre of the field. Raise or lower the microscope until the button appears with sharp outlines. If the scale does not cover the button, rotate the eye-piece; this will bring the scale into a new position. Since the divisions over the button are less distinct than the others, it is best to read the latter. Thus, in fig. 44b, there are 36 divisions on one side of the button, and 35 on the other, making altogether 71. The whole scale is 80, therefore the diameter of the button


is 9 divisions. The value of each division obviously varies with the magnifying power employed. With most microscopes there is a telescopic arrangement whereby the tube may be lengthened ; if this be done and the button again brought in focus, it will be seen that, as measured on the scale, the button is much larger than before. It is evident, therefore, the micrometer must always be used in the same way. The method given in the appendix (page 440), for finding the value of the scale when gold buttons are to be measured is easy and satisfactory. When the button of gold is so small that there is considerable risk of losing it in transferring to a watch-glass, it may be measured on the cupel, but for this purpose it must be well illuminated; this is best done by concentrating light on it with a lens, or with what comes to the same thing, a clean flask filled with water.


Most assayers, however, using a micrometer in this way, would like to know its absolute value. To do this, a stage micrometer must be purchased. This is like an ordinary microscope slide (fig. 44a, C), and when looked at through a microscope it shows (fig. 44c) lines ruled on the glass at distances of tenths and hundredths of a millimetre, ten of each, so that the full scale is 1.1 mm. In the case illustrated, 60 divisions of the scale in the eye-piece are just equal to the 1.1 mm., therefore 1 division equals .0183 mm. A cube of this diameter would contain (.0183 x .0183 x .0183) .0000061285 cubic mm. The corresponding sphere is got by multiplying by .5236; this gives.000003209 cb. mm. The weight of 1 cb. mm. of water is 1 milligram; and, since gold is 19.2 times as heavy as water (sp. g. = 19.2), the contents in cb. mm. must be multiplied by 19.2. This gives .0000616 milligram as the weight of a sphere of gold measuring 1 division.


If every result had to be calculated in this way the method would be very laborious; but, having the figures for the first division, those of the others may be calculated by multiplying by the cube of the corresponding number. Thus, for the third division (3 x 3 x 3 = 27), the content of the cube (.0000061285 x 27) is .0001655 cb. mm.; the content of the sphere (.000003209 x 27) is .0000866 cb. mm.; and the corresponding sphere of gold (.0000616 x 27) is .00166 milligram. With the help of a table of cubes the whole calculation for 25 or 30 divisions may be made in half an hour, and the results preserved in the form of a table will simplify all future work.

Be sure to look at what we think are the best micrometers and calipers on the market today.