Cone Crusher Maintenance

Cone Crusher MaintenanceWOBBLE PLATE FEEDER

A wobble plate feeder is furnished as standard equipment with Fine crushing chambers and as optional equipment with Coarse and Intermediate crushing chambers. It consists of a distributing plate to which a wobbling motion is imparted by the gyrating motion of the main shaft. The feeder is equipped with an enclosing hopper and an adjustable feed pipe for varying the quantity of feed.Cone Crusher Maintenance


Adjustment for product size and wear is accomplished in a cylinder cast integral with the bottom plate. This cylinder is fitted with a bushing, and the cylinder and piston, sealed at the bottom with an oil-proof packing, form a hydraulic jack which supports the main shaft assembly. Oil is pumped into or out of the cylinder below the piston by means of a hand pump in crusher sizes up to and including 48-in. The larger Hydrocone crushers are equipped with a motor-driven pump operated by push-button control to speed up adjustment.

AUTOMATIC RESETcone-crusher-reset

The Automatic Reset consists of an accumulator charged to a predetermined pressure and connected by flexible hose to the hydraulic jack under the mainshaft assembly. Any uncrushable material entering the crushing chamber causes an increase in the crushing pressure and forces oil from the hydraulic jack to the accumulator. This causes the head to lower sufficiently to pass the uncrushable material. When the crushing pressure returns to normal, the pressure in the accumulator resets the crushing head to its original position. The Automatic Reset functions separately from the Speed-Set control. Its operation is entirely automatic.

Only non-explosive gases, such as nitrogen, should be used for filling the Automatic Reset. Explosive gases such as oxygen or hydrogen must not be used. Suitable gas in tanks can be obtained from a number of companies having offices in most large U. S. cities and throughout the world.


