Mineral Processing and Extractive Metallurgy Methods

A successful search for and development of a new mineral deposit rests not only in its discovery but also in economical processing of the ore. Via the Science of its engineering, Mineral Processing and Extractive Metallurgy allows the evaluation of metal recovery Methods laid-out or expressed as a process flowsheet.

The challenge of discovery and development, the processing and profit from mineral resources have resulted in many different process flowsheets. There has been a constant advance in mineral technology for hundreds of years. The process flow we consider highly successful today may be replaced tomorrow by new developments, improvements in equipment or changes in the ore being treated. In the progress of mineral processing “There is no substitute for experience”.

Basic to every flow-diagram is the understanding, the thinking and analysis that must be made of the problem. An idea borrowed here, an improvement added there and the determination to “find the better way” will strengthen profits and advance the industry.

For years Mining Equipment Companies have contributed to the progress of the mineral processing industry. Extensive research in Ore Testing and Process Development as well as intimate understanding of treatment methods used by successful plants all over the world, has provided a background of most valuable experience. Not to share this experience with others would be inconsistent with our policy of distributing technical information of value to Engineers. For, as a service organization, we are dedicated to the improvement and advancement of the mineral processing industry.Mineral Processing

This website and its flowsheets includes selected items on the treatment of a wide range of minerals. It is a worthwhile reference volume for all who are interested in mineral processing. The flowsheets are all practical and represent the best practice in modern metallurgy and milling.

Batch Testing

This section is equipped to handle any type of batch test. The results, in many instances, provide all the necessary information upon which to base recommendations for a commercial plant. Another important function of batch testing is to determine the advisability of carrying out a full scale pilot plant test.

The data supplied by the testing in this section includes:

  1. Grindability of ores to determine point of mineral liberation and sizes of grinding mills.
  2. Agitation time and pulp densities to determine sizes of agitators and conditioners.
  3. Flotation data including general amenability to flotation treatment, concentrate grades, recovery, optimum flotation time, and densities for determining capacities and reagent combinations.
  4. Settling rates of pulps to determine sizes of thickeners.
  5. Filtering rates to determine filter sizes and types most advisable.
  6. Special amenability tests to determine the grade of concentrates and the recoveries by either the Denver Mineral Jig, the Denver Unit Cell, or both, in the ball-mill classifier circuit.
  7. Hydrometallurgical tests.

Continuous Testing

The pilot concentration plant is completely equipped with gravity and flotation units sufficient to provide for practically any flowsheet employing these methods of concentration. All equipment is set for continuous operation. Movable launders, pumps and flow pipes, permit extreme flexibility.

The conduct of ore tests in the batch laboratory and large-scale tests in the pilot plant conform as nearly as possible to the conditions which will exist in the proposed milling operation. Consideration is, of course, given to any factors beyond the control of the operators of the commercial milling plant, such as climatic conditions, elevation, etc. Water supply, as it is available to the commercial plant is duplicated as closely as possible.

This continuous, or pilot plant testing provides an intermediate step to further insure successful commercial milling.

Flowsheet Design

At the completion of the tests, a detailed report and recommendation are submitted, and mill flowsheets are recommended based on laboratory test results. These reports, analyzed and prepared by experienced metallurgists, are practical, complete and easy to understand. Even those who are unfamiliar with technical terms can clearly understand that the results of the tests, accurate test report and recommendations help long-range planning.

  1. Designing a Conveyor System
  2. Crushing & Screening Plant Design
  3. Crushing and Grinding Wet & Sticky Ore
  4. Two Stage Grinding Circuit
  5. Rod Mill and Ball Mill
  6. Flotation Machine
  7. Flotation Cell Impeller Types
  8. Agitators
  9. Fine VS Coarse Particle Flotation
  10. Flash Flotation
  11. Leaching Plant Design
  12. Electrolytic Refining
  13. Aluminium
  14. Barite
  15. Beryllium
  16. Calcite
  17. Chromite
  18. Coal
  19. Copper
  20. Copper-Pyrite
  21. Copper-Zinc 
  22. Copper Leaching
  23. Diamond
  24. Feldspar
  25. Fluorspar
  26. Gold and Silver Leaching
  27. Sulphide Gold Ore Treatment
  28. Small Gold Processing Plant
  29. Gold Mining and Milling as a Business
  30. Small Scale Gold Mining Business Plan
  31. Gold Leaching
  32. Lead-Barite-Fluorspar
  33. Lead Carbonate (Cerussite) Ore Beneficiation Process
  34. Hematite Flotation
  35. Graphite Beneficiation Process
  36. Gold Placer Deposits
  37. Batch Cyanidation of Flotation Concentrate
  38. Silver Lead Zinc
  39. Galena-Sphalerite
  40. Manganese Ore Processing
  41. Oxide Lead Ore
  42. Lead – Zinc Sulfide
  43. Oxidized Lead-Zinc Ore
  44. Mercury
  45. Leaching Mercury Sulfide
  46. Lead Zinc Copper
  47. Scrap Metal Recycling Process and Equipment
  48. Mica Recovery from Scrap
  49. Portable Mineral Processing Plant
  50. Small Gold Leaching Circuit Design
  51. Tin Beneficiation Process
  52. Design Flotation Plant
  53. Molybdenum Ore Processing by Flotation
  54. Tungsten
  55. Titanium
  56. Sulphur Recovery Process
  57. Spodumene & Lithium
  58. Silica Sand
  59. Recycling Sand
  60. Pyrite Tailings
  61. Potash
  62. Phosphate
  63. Phosphate Flotation
  64. Perlite
  65. Pegmatite Minerals
  66. Non-Metallic Minerals
  67. Tungsten from Scheelite
  68. Tungsten-Gold from Wolframite
  69. Tungsten Metallurgy
  70. Uranium Processing
  71. Uranium Metallurgy
  72. Beneficiation of Iron Ore
  73. Heavy Media Separation Process
  74. Different Types of Flotation Cells
  75. Segregation Process of Mixed Sulphide Copper Ore
  76. LPF
  77. Copper LPF Leach Precipitation and Flotation Process
  78. Copper Flotation
  79. Antimony Processing by Flotation
  80. Electromagnetic Separation
  81. Uranium Ore Processing Methods
  82. Vanadium Extraction Process
  83. Tungsten Metallurgy
  84. Extracting Tungsten from Wolframite Gold Ore
  85. Extraction of Tungsten from Scheelite Ore
  86. Beneficiation Process of Kaolinite Clay
  87. Explain the Extraction of Tin Ore
  88. Talc Beneficiation Process
  89. Cement Rock Beneficiation Process

Selecting Equipment Sizes

In addition to the flowsheet and reports, equipment sizes required for your specified tonnage operation are submitted. These recommendations are followed by a detailed cost estimate of equipment required.

Mill Design

Experienced engineers can plan your mill layout to assure maximum operating efficiency and convenience. Or, they will gladly cooperate with your own staff or with your consulting engineers. Our responsibility begins even before we receive your order. We want your mill to be a success, so our field engineers and metallurgists will do everything possible to keep your mill operating most efficiently and will pass on to you new developments to improve your metallurgy.Regrind Circuit

Four Possible Methods