Laboratory Oven Tray


TRAY, Button—For use inside of balance case in weighing silver buttons. Composition, with 24 semi-spherical depressions 3/8 inch diameter, numbered 1 to 24. Tray measures 5×3¼x¼ inches.

TRAY—Fire clay, for handling annealing cups in muffles. Reinforced handle. Measures 8×4¾ inches.

TRAY, Parting Cup

TRAY, Parting Cup—Made of sheet iron with twelve 1 inch holes. Dimensions, 5¾x8 inches. Will hold crucibles Nos. 0 and 00.

TRAY, Cupel—All iron, with detachable handle. Has 16 depressions 15/8 inches diameter.

TRIANGLE, Nichrome Wire

TRIANGLE, Nichrome Wire—Heavy wire, with twisted ends.

cover pipe

TRIANGLE—Iron wire covered with pipe stem.

TRIANGLE—Iron wire, covered with pipe stem, with flange in center of side.
