Sample Spatula


SPATULA, Porcelain—Glazed. Spatula on one end, spoon on the other.

SPATULA, Steel—Flexible steel blade with riveted wooden handle.

SPATULA, Steel—Flexible tapered thin steel blade, with wooden handle.


SPECTROSCOPE, Direct Vision—Can be used in any analysis where wave length scale is unneces­sary, as bright lines of metals and gases and absorption bands in gases are shown. Compactly constructed and dust-proof. All forms consist of three-piece Amici prism of 6 degrees, 15 minutes dispersion between C and F lines of Hydrogen spectrum. Achromatic collimating lens.

With Fixed Slit—16 mm. in diameter, 80 mm. long.

SPONGE, Unbleached—For laboratory use; best grade of grass sponge, about 10 to 12 to a pound.

SPOON, Combustion or Deflagration, IronFor burning phosphorus in oxygen. With steel handle riveted to the bowl. All handles offset. Diameter of bowl, ½ inch; length, 18 inches.


STENCIL—Very handy and useful in preparation of note books. All standard pieces of chemical apparatus can be drawn quickly, correctly and neatly. The edges form the angle at which deliv­ery tubes, etc. are generally bent. Provided with a millimeter scale.
