Fluorine Dispersion

In some cases, Mica carries Fluorine.  If you can not pre-float that Mica, you may want to try the Fluorine Dispersant below.

  • Product: Oxfloat 25P      – Metaphosphate
    As a mining chemicals for flotation treatment of multi-metallic ores

Preparation: Make 2% solution in water. Dissolves readily.

Dosage for good dispersion: Dosage between 100 – 1000 g/t.

  • Product: Oxfloat 138P    – Metasilicate

Product Name: Sodium metasilicate pentahydrate granules
Chemical Family: Disodium metasilicate pentahydrate, Disodium trioxosilicate

Preparation: Make 2% solution in water. Dissolves readily.

Dosage for good dispersion: Dosage between 100 – 1000 g/t.

Alternative Fluorine/Clay/Carbonates depressant/dispersant

  • Product: Oxfloat 108
  • Preparation: Make 1% solution in water. Add product to water into stirred beaker to prevent lumping. Allow sufficient time to dissolve.
  • Dosage: Dosage varies widely depending on Clay content and ore characteristics. 30 – 150 g/t.

In some cases, the “F” comes along with Talc, Micas, so please refer to this again.