5 Bodies Recovered in a Mine Located in Ghana

Illegal Mining in Ghana5 people, including a 1-year-old child, died due to an illegal mining in Ghana’s Central Region. According to reports of an Accra-based radio station, these illegal miners were buried alive because of the mishap, leaving them helpless until they lose their lives.

The 1-year-old girl was with her parents who are attempting to acquire gold from the mine.

Based on the investigation, there were 7 more miners who were able to escape when the accident occurred last Thursday, March 11, 2014.

The bodies were immediately brought in the hospital

The government has been warning residents and miners not to engage themselves in illegal mining in Ghana as these may impose harm, just like what occurred last Thursday. It has been evident that illegal mining has been the culprit of several accidents. Old mines which were already closed a long time ago has been the target of several illegal miners from several countries.