The World’s Biggest Coal Producing Countries has accumulated the top 10 biggest coal producing countries. 

1. China

The country has led the coal mining industry for over 3 decades. They produced 3.6 billion tonnes (Bt) of coal in 2012 which is about 47% of the world’s total coal output. They also own the world’s 3rd biggest coal reserves.

2. USA

In 2012, this country produced as much as 922Mt of coal. They have about 25 states that has coal mining sites. Some of the states that produce coals are Wyoming, West Virginia, Kentucky and more.

3. India

This country produced as much as 605Mt in 2012. They are also the world’s 3rd biggest coal consumer as they have consumed 8% of the total output.

4. Australia

Producing about 413Mt of coal in 2012, Australia has been labeled as the world’s 4th biggest coal producing country. They are also the 2nd biggest exporter of coal next to Indonesia, exporting as much as 90% of their production.

5. Indonesia

The country has produced as much as 386Mt of coal placing them at the 5th spot. 309Mt of it was actually exported, thus, making them the 1st biggest exporter of coal.

6. Russia

With  354.8Mt of coal output in 2012, Russia was labeled as the 6th biggest coal producer. They also hold the world’s second biggest proven coal reserves owning as much as 157Bt as of December 2012.

7. South Africa

Estimated to have produced as much as 280Mt of coal. The country relies on coal due to 90% electricity generation.

8. Germany

On the 8th spot, they have produced as much as 196.2Mt of coal in 2012. However, they were labeled as the world’s biggest brown coal producer followed by Russia and Australia as they have produced as much as 180Mt in 2012.

9. Poland

It produced 144.1Mt of coal in 2012 placing the country in the 9th spot and 2nd in Europe, next to Germany.

10. Kazakhstan

Having 116.6Mt of coal output in 2012, Kazakhstan has hit the last spot!