New website about abandoned mines in Ireland gathers amazing pictures

siteWho said that something abandoned can’t be beautiful? That’s exactly the case when we talk about the Irish abandoned mines.

Some adventurous explorers have been exploring these pits and decided to gather all their photos in a new website, called Abandoned Mines of Ireland. The virtual platform catalogues pictures taken by these brave volunteers, taking the visitors into a real journey.

“We knew nothing about them — I didn’t even know they existed. We didn’t really have much to go on. After that, we collected information and scoured the internet. We educated ourselves about how mines work. That became our playground”, one of the explorers, who calls himself Urbex Junkie, told

According to this spokesperson, the group has been exploring different structures and pits for the past eight years, but abandoned mining sites are their favourite spots, despite all the dangers involved in exploring such places.

Nevertheless, the result is amazing. Here are a few pictures taken by the group.