Gold Price Sensitive Gold Mining Stocks to Buy when Gold Price Goes Up and Increases

Here I try to explain or list gold mining stocks than are and others that are not sensitive to gold prices going up or down. Not Sure Where Gold is Going … Higher or Lower from Here? — What to Own Under Both Scenarios:  A snapshot of our gold producer coverage universe shows that some companies have much larger trading bands than others (i.e. the band determined by taking the 52 week high divided by the 52 week low).  Not surprising to see the lower cost producers with strong balance sheets and good management have a lower band width.

Gold Price Sensitive Stocks
relationship between gold and gold mining stocks

If you think Gold will be flat to down through the future then the names that have outperformed in the past should work moving forward….they are less volatile as judged by the ratio between the 52 week high and 52 week low.


Gold Price Sensitive Stocks 2
Strong relationship between gold and gold mining stocks

gold price sensitive mining companies

List Precious Metal Mining Companies

And what about the Precious Metals Developers?  The names within the blue circle below are generally companies with projects that have a chance of being in production by 2016/17.  The market can see a permitting horizon, market support meaning they are finance-able, and possibly a takeover target.

Precious Metals Developers

