How will NASA mine an asteroid: step by step pictures

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If you think that mining an asteroid is something that won’t happen for several decades, you’re probably wrong. NASA is betting so much in this possibility that they just released a small guide that explains how the process will happen.

The agency recently released some new photos and even a video animation depicting its plan. The asteroid mining project was announced earlier this year: the plan is to find, capture, redirect and study a near-Earth asteroid.

These next images show how the crew of the Orion spacecraft will collect the samples that will later be studied. First of all, the spacecraft will be launched and will take nine days to get near the captured asteroid.

Step 1


NASA’s Orion spacecraft will start by approaching the robotic asteroid capture vehicle.

Step 2


Then, the astronauts will prepare for a spacewalk.

Step 3


Next, the astronauts will approach the asteroid with all the necessary tools to retrieve samples.

Step 4


Photographs and samples will be taken and properly stored in a container by the duo of astronauts. Finally, they will return to the spacecraft, but they will repeat the process for up to six days. Next, the crew will undock from the robotic capture vehicle and return to Earth.
