Quick Grind Check -How to Quickly Estimate Grind Size or P80 | Operator Tips


An easy and fast/quick way for grinding operators to get an idea and estimate their grinds is to follow this procedure.


Using a calculator an those 2 simple tools will get you a fast P80 or Pxyz.

This great simple tool/method lets you estimate the grind size of any stream using a wet vibrating screen (single deck) and a Marcy scale.


The method involves no drying of screened products, and results can be obtained within a few minutes. Although the rapid method is less accurate than the conventional method of drying screened products, in certain cases this lack of accuracy may be of less importance than the increased speed of assessment.

The accuracy of assessment can be reliably forecast from a simple expression providing measurement errors can be estimated.

Reference: Wills, B.A., 1988, “A Rapid Method for Measurement of Fineness of Grind”, Minerals Engineering, Vol.1, No. 1, pp. 81-84.

Here is an Excel produced Table of a 3.2 SG rock on which you check the grind size P80 -200Mesh

Quick P80

The password that lets you change the SG is ” 911met ”
Marcy Grinding Analysis Chart Password 911met

fast p80