Typical Ball Mill Charge Levels

How much steel goes into a ball mill

Here is a table that approximates how much steel charge, or how many tonnes to steel balls are needed to obtain a given type of grind in a specific size mill. The table assumes you are running the mill at 50% charge.

Barite Beneficiation Process and Plant Flowsheet

Barite Beneficiation Process and Plant Flowsheet

Barite (barium sulphate) often occurs as large veins or beds, as gangue mineral in various mineral veins, in limestones, sandstones and like deposits. The ores are generally low grade and require concentration by flotation to meet market specifications. Barite, which has the ability to influence other materials with its basic characteristics, makes this heavy spar […]

Calculate the Capacity of an Agitator & Conditioner

Conditioner Capacity Table-Chart

Example 1) It is desired to give 48 hours of contact on 100 tons per 24 hours of 2.7 specific gravity ore in a pulp of 40% solids (1:1.5). What size agitators will be needed? Total volume equals 59.85 –> from our Pulp Density tables. Tons feed equal 100. 59.85 time 100 equals 5,985 cu. ft. (total […]