Refractory Gold Processes

Gold can be leached and extracted/recovered in several ways.  Even if you gold is “refractory” in pyrite or arsenopyrite, you can still get much value from your ore/rock depending on the economics of capital and operating cost.

The cheapest and fastest option is to simply grind and CIL the whole thing according the the process flowsheet here shown.

CIL Gold Process

The next option, once you have confirmed the refractory nature of your material, is to use gravity and flotation to pre-concentrate your gold.  Once you have reduced the mass, you effectively reduce the size and capital cost of your future Oxidation Process Plant.

Your  gold concentrate will afterwards undergo ultrafine grind and go for the cheapest oxidation there is ie: Atmospheric or Low Pressure Oxidation before going to classic CIL.Gold Concentration Pre-Oxidation -Albion

This last more costly option is commonly known as POX or High Pressure Oxidation for the most difficult refractory gold ores.Gold Concentration Pre-Oxidation -POX