A List to some Major Types of Ore Deposits and a link Book Download.
- Komatiite-associated nickel deposits
- Layered mafic-ultramafic intrusion deposits
- Skarn deposits
- Fractionated granitoid-associated deposits
- Porphyry-associated deposits
- Iron oxide copper gold deposits
- Syn-deformational hydrothermal and replacement deposits
- Orogenic gold deposits
- Carbonate-hosted stratabound lead-zinc deposits
- Unconformity-related uranium deposits
- Volcanic-associated massive sulphide deposits
- Sediment-hosted stratiform base metal deposits
- Sediment hosted copper deposits
- Banded iron formations
- Sedimentary manganese deposits
- Bauxite deposits
- Lateritic nickel-cobalt deposits
- Lateritic & supergene gold deposits
- Supergene deposits associated with palaeochannels
- Lateritic phosphate-REE-Nb deposits
- Supergene iron ores & transported channel deposits
- Calcrete uranium deposits
- Reduced palaeochannel/“roll front” uranium deposits
- Placer gold deposits
- Heavy mineral sand deposits
- Placer Tin Deposits
and https://economicgeology.org/ are great resources for understanding all Types of Ore Deposits.
Also visit https://www.britannica.com/science/mineral-deposit/Oxides-and-hydroxides#toc82171