Simio offers simulation software solutions for open pit and underground mines

With over 30 years of experience in simulation and scheduling, the Pennsylvania-based company Simio LLC (SImulation Modeling framework based on Intelligent Objects) currently offers several great simulation software solutions for mining companies across the world, solutions that can be applied both to open pit and underground mines.

According to the company, Simio’s mining solutions can be used to design material handling procedures in an open pit mine, design of conveyor systems for underground mines and to evaluate proposed operational changes.

Thanks to these software simulation options, the users of Simio’s products will be able to find out precious informations like what is the best truck fleet size to achieve production goals at minimum costs, the impact of adding additional cars to a train, the impact of reallocating existing resources across operations or calculate the performance gains in terms of throughput and on-time delivery with investments in new equipment.

The firm’s simulators provide an inexpensive, risk-free way to test changes thanks to objective analysis. According to Simio, “simulation can help you understand how the various components interact with each other and how they affect overall system performance”. Besides, “modern 3D animation and other tools promote communication and understanding across a wide audience”.

So, here are four simulation software options provided by the North-American company. There are more, you just have to check them here.

1. Simio Express

expA powerful and fully functional 3D object-based modeling and animation system at an affordable price.

With this software, you simply drag and place your 3D objects from the Standard Object Library into your facility view of the model. You can view your system from any camera angle, have the camera follow a specific entity in the system, or place the camera on a moving entity for an “inside” 3D view of the running model.

Simio Express also integrates directly with Google Warehouse to allow you to quickly download from a massive library of freely available 3D symbols to easily and quickly add realism to your models.

2. Simio Design Edition

ediOur standard product that includes the Standard Library for getting started with Simio, but adds a unique and powerful capability (patent pending) that allows you to modify the logic of your objects using add-on process-oriented logic.

This version of the software also provides you with the ability to create and distribute your own custom modeling libraries. Simio Design is the ideal product for professional modelers that want to have full control over complex process logic or want to develop new modeling libraries focused on specific applications areas.

3. Simio Enterprise Edition

UseSimulationDailySimio Enterprise adds a powerful set of patent-pending features to extend the Team Edition capabilities into daily operational support. Extend the use and lifespan of your previously built Simio models or build and execute new models for Risk-based Planning and Scheduling (RPS).

Custom tailor reports, graphs, and tables for use by schedulers. Reduce your risk and costs by analyzing your schedules in ways never before possible.

4. OptQuest

optOptQuest for Simio is available as an add-on to the standard Simio products.

OptQuest tightly integrates with Simio experiments and uses state of the art algorithms, including Tabu Search, Neural Networks, Scatter Search, and Linear/Integer Programming to generate and evaluate scenarios in search of optimal configurations.